Our University Health Care Centre was inaugurated and opened on 18.03.2016. This is situated near Hostel Campus and the area is around 3632 sq feet.
We have consultation room, physiotherapy room, investigation lab. In patient (IP)beds are also provided in our Centre.
We have a regular full time Medical officer cum Asst Professor Dr. R. Aanandhi, Staff Nurse Mrs. Chitra and a Lab Technician Mrs.R. Umamaheswari. We receive patients from all the Departments, Students and Staffs of all sections. We have a full fledged Blood Investigation Lab, Physiotherapy Unit, Inpatient Beds, Counseling Centre. 24hrs Emergency Ambulance Service is provided for all the University Stakeholders
Lab Practical’s from Various Departments is been done in Our Health Care Centre Lab
Regular physiotherapy class with hands on training is been given to the students of AUCPE at our health care centre
Program was in inaugurated by our honourable Vice Chancellor
Program was inaugurated by principal of Alagappa University College of physical Education Dr. M. Sundar
Program was inaugurated by Director Dr.Sivakumar
Corona Awareness program was organized by Health Care Centre along with of Directorate of Public health. Collector, Sivagangai Dt, Deputy Director , Sivagangai Dt participated in the Program and awareness was given about the Corona Virus and outbreak of the Covid disease. Around 458 students participated in the program
During Covid Pandemic, Campus cleaning was strictly done as per the government standard operative procedures. Awareness was given by the Medical officer to all the outsource workers and regulary cleaning was done and daily reports were sent to the Government.
Talk on Health and Hygiene 5.1.2023 for Management Campus student
Dengue Outbreak programs Organised and Kabasura kudineer was distributed students from 4.10.2017-8.10.2017.
Alagappa University Health Care Centre along with Indian dental association organized Tamil Nadu state level Community Dental Health program – Creating awareness towards dental cancer prevention on 05.03.2019 at LCTL Palaniappa chettiyar Auditorium. The beneficiaries were around 375 participants including students and all teaching and non teaching staffs.
Awareness on Health and hygiene was organized for the students of AUCPE ON2.12.2022. Awareness on Hygiene measures regarding Dengue outbreak and other water borne disease was explained. Around 75 students were benefitted from this program
Health and hygiene for students with Disabilities was organised in the Dept of Special education and Rehabilitation Science on 12.9.2023. awareness was given on the practical difficulty faced by the children with disabilities regarding their personal hygiene and how to help them in attaing good health and hygiene measures. 45 students participated in the program.
Women Health and nutrition awareness program was organised for the students of Faculty of Arts in Convocation Seminar Hall on 13.09.2023. Nearly 185 students participated in the program. Awareness was provided regarding the women health issues during middle aged and how to cope up with the help of nuritional supplements and exercise
Women Health and hygiene Awareness program was organized for the girls students of AUCPE on 15.9.2023. Menstrual related problems and proper hygienic measures are explained to the students. 104 students participated in the program
Awareness Progamme on Hygiene and Higher Education for Women 27.08.2019 at Govt High School, Velangudi. Higher secondary students were given Health and Hygiene awareness was given to the girl children
We have a Counseling centre in HCC. We have Visiting Psychologist and Psychiatrist and Mental Health Programs were organized Regular Students Counseling is also done.
Women Psycological awareness program was organized in all women hostels from 6.1.2020-8.1.2020. First 2 days psychologist Mrs. Leema Thomas and and medical officer Dr.R.Aanandhi visited the ladies hostel and discussed about the common women mental health problems and advised to share their problems.
Third Day a program was organized for the Women students in Convocation seminar hall. Dr.Sangeetha from Apollo Reach hospital, Karaikudi was invited and spoke about various issues like anger, stress, depression, etc. an extremely effective session was held named “Anonymous” where students had to write their problems anonymously on paper and suggestions were given by the doctor
Sanitary Napkin Awareness Program for the women students of AUCPE organized by Health Care Centre. Mrs.Abirami, Social Worker was invited and Advice was given regarding Menstrual Hygiene and sanitary napkin hygiene and disposal
Health care centre has organized 10 Covid Vaccination Camps for the Staffs, Students, Outsource and security. Daily Temperature check , Hand Hygiene at all the entrance and all departments were done.
3 Day Eye Screening Camp for staffs and Students - 25.02.2020 – 27.02.2020 sponsored by Kaanal’s Koviloor eye Hospital, Karaikudi
Every Year Founders Day Free Medical Camp is been organized for all the University Members
114th Founders day Free Blood Test and Medical Camp was organized by University Health Care Centre a jointly with Centre for Yoga Education, YRC,NCC and NSS from 1.4.2023-5.4.2023). Blood Testing was sponsored by New Raj Lab, Karaikudi for 380 staffs. Blood Test was done from 01.04.2023 to 03.04.2023
Bone Mineral Density Scan along with a Orthopaedic Surgeon Consultant
115th Founders day was organized with Apollo Reach Hospitals, Managiri, Karaikudi on 5.4.2024. Specialities of General Medicine, ENT, Obstretics &Gynecology, Nutritionist consultation were given. Beneficiaries-175
Medical Team Service is offered for all the Competitions organized in our University
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