Management Information System(MIS) of Alagappa University was established in the year of 2019. The vital role of MIS plays in the university's missions and related administrative activities as well as the importance in an academic environment of protecting information in all forms. It also provides IT and IT-enabled services such as the websites, cloud-based email services, wired and wireless networks, University-wide ERP applications, servers, databases and surveillance cameras.
System and Network Administration is governing the use of our university computing and IT communication resources, the resources administered by the administrative departments such as Library, Computer Laboratories, Offices of the university, Hostels and Guest houses wherever the network facility was provided by the university.
Further, the entire faculty, students, staff, departments, authorized visitors/visiting faculty and others who may be granted permission to use the IT Infrastructure, and must comply with the guidelines.
E-mail accounts have been facilitated to Departments and Students under E-mail Use policy which is reviewed and maintained whenever the modification happens. Database Usage policy is governed by the e-Governance division.
Deputy Director (Technical)
Module Visit Site
The main purpose to develop this ALUOP (Alagappa University Online Platform ) is to give digital environment to the whole student as well as teaching faculties both University Regular Department and Distance Education Faculties
This Alagappa University - University Department Examinations Automation System is to collect the exam fee along with all examination related data with the online payment gateway integration we prepared pre examinations related works like student attendance, question paper count, etc.,
This package was developed during the Covid – 19 period. The examinations were consucted in the online mode and the students uploaded their answer scripts using this portal. Students at the University Departments, Constituent Colleges, Affiliated Colleges and the Directorate of Distance Education used this package.
This package was also developed during the Covid-19 period. It is used to evaluate the Examination Answer Scripts through online for allotted examiners, after submission of marks is integrate to controller section data processing section for further proceedings
This Genuineness portal developed to provide the Genuineness online verification for uploaded document weather original certificate or fake certificate.
This Site for both Distance Education and Online Education and also site will contain the information about authorities, faculty, Department education faculty, prospects, syllabi, Admission Procedure, Eligibility & Fee, Learners Support Centers, PG Guide List, Notification of Personal Contact Programme, Academic Calendar of ODL, E-Learning Material, Self Learning Materials, CIQA members, CIQA Report, Affidavit, DEB, PPR and FAQ Details and notification from the CDOE to the Student, Staff and Parents.
Admission for distance education in our Alagappa University, students can apply through our online portal and they can pay the fee through online payment gateway. Each applicant must choose the nearby learning centre from the learning Centre list in the online application form. Eligibility of applied student is verified in the learning centre login. Each learning Centre have their own username and password given by Directorate of Distance Education. After verification of educational qualification for the applied programme of the student, the learning centre can send the verified applications to Directorate of Distance Education in online. The scrutinizing team in DDE can check the eligibility conditions, applications as verified.
Admission for Online Programmes in our Alagappa University, students can apply through our online portal and they can pay the fee through online payment gateway. Eligibility of applied student is verified in the online Programmes Online Admission. Enrollment number generation, nline ID card in Student profile dashboard, Admission reports upload to UGC-DEB prescribed format download option and Daily Payment Reports
This NME – None Major Elective Course Automation Portal is to provide student friendly select courses from the inter department within the university campus and after completing the course we are collecting the internal marks as well as attendance certificate of the concern student within the limited time. The marks to be forwarded to examination data automation unit.
This package is developed for collecting data from Department, Dean Research, Online Programme, Distance Education and Collaborative Programme for preparation of DCB report.
Visit Site
Pensioners will there own login to view there pay details in month wise. Pensioners will download it on any time or any where.Pensioner will also maintain their account secure
Specific Web site for Central Library. Here we search book and thesis availability. Access Open E-Resource, INFED, IRINS, e-Shodh Sindhu, shodhganga, Anti-plagiarism, Writing Resources/Tools, Research Gateways and E-Learning Resources.
Individual department can update his event to portal. This event was viewed by the university and out of our university Inside our campus. All departments can view all the events and records too. Everyone can see our university news also Here we also get a reminder for a particular Events (via department login).
Different category of students and staff was sending his/her grievances to our university by using this portal. In Admin login, admin can view all types of grievances and verified it. Admin can also send a reply to the applicant. In Applicant status viewer, applicant can view his/her grievances status.
© 2025 Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamilnadu
Website Designed and Maintained by MIS, Alagappa University