The Alagappa Institute of Skill Development (AISD) is an initiative of the Government of Tamil Nadu to discharge its social responsibilities and community development through Vocational Education. The Skill Development Centre (SDC) which was established in 2015, was elevated into a permanent institute. The AISD offers employment-oriented vocational programmes for the empowerment of youth. They could be employed in industrial sectors besides embarking on self-employment.
In 2006, the University started to offer several short-term and certificate training programmes through ‘Garment Training Unit’ with the financial support of NIFT-TEA. Since 2007, in association with IL&FS-CDI, New Delhi, the University has been offering one month placement-linked Training Programme in ‘Industrial Sewing Machine Operation’.
During 2009-2010, Skill Training was conducted to the Traditional Weavers with NABARD Funding. Under the aegis of the Entrepreneurship Development Institute (EDI), Government of Tamil Nadu, the Centre has been conducting various ‘Entrepreneurship and Skill Training’ programmes on Fashion Designing and Entrepreneurship. Later, an ‘Entrepreneurship-cum-Skill Development Centre’ was started at the University in 2011-2012.
The effective functioning of the Skill Development Centre paved the way for the creation of Alagappa University-IL& FS Institute of Skills (AU-IIS) in October 2013 (presently known as Alagappa University-Learnet Institute of Skills (AU-LIS). It is India’s first Skill Institute recognized by the National Occupational Standards (NOS)
The UGC sanctioned a grant of Rs. 1.85 crore to Alagappa Institute of Skill Development for starting the much-demanded Vocational Degree Programmes – Bachelor of Vocation (B.Voc) in Fashion Technology and Software Development. The UGC sanctioned the grant for a period of three years to run these Vocational B.Voc. Degree programmes from the academic year 2014-2015.
The AISD has the following six units to impart Skill Education to the youth to make them Industry-ready:
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Hub (EIC Hub) funded under RUSA 2.0 Scheme Alagappa University-Learnet Institute of Skills (AU-LIS) Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Tamil Nadu (EDII-TN) Institution Innovation Council (IIC) Garment Training Unit Alagappa University- HebeSec R&D Centre (AU-HRC) for Cyber Security
These units are situated in two separate buildings of Alagappa University in an expanse of 18,500 sq. ft. with machineries worth 2.25Cr.
The AISD, within a short period of its establishment has climbed to a great stature through its commendable Skill Development Programmes. This is accomplished with the team work of competent and committed teaching and administrative staff with the ample support of University Administration.
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Career Hub (EIC Hub) was established under RUSA Phase-2.0 Scheme Digitally Launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on 3rdFebruary, 2019, the EIC Hub is functioning as the official training partner of Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation (TNSDC). The EIC Hub is the nodal point for implementing innovation in Entrepreneurship Development Program (IEDP) and Tamilnadu Startup and Innovation Mission (TANSIM) of Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute, Tamil Nadu (EDII-TN).
In October 2013, in collaboration with IL&FS Institute of Skills, New Delhi, ‘Alagappa University-IL&FS Institute of Skills (AU-IIS)’ was established under AISD as India’s first Skill Institute offering University recognized and National Occupational Standards (NOS)-compliant and placement-linked short term, high-end employable technical training programmes across several sectors and provided support to start income generating activities on various trades. The courses offered at AISD/AU-IIS are mapped to the NOS designed by the industry / National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)-led Sector Skill Councils (SSC). Within a short span of three years (2013 – 2016), AISD/AU-IIS achieved 81% of placement record. The trained candidates of AISD/AU-LIS got placements in reputed organizations across the State.
To extend the Up-Skilling Services of AISD to all needy youth / women, a ‘Small Industries Services Unit (SISU)’ was established under AISD in Dec. 2016 to impart skill training in the following sectors such as Manufacturing of Paper Products, Sanitary Napkin, Agarbatti, Phenyl & Disinfectants, Baking & Confectionary.
Adjunct Professor
Teaching Assistant
EIC-Hub Coordinator
Tailoring Instructor – Garment Tailoring Unit
Technical Assistant
Training coordinator - SISU
Skill Trainer - SISU
These Programmes are adherence to National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) levels having single- entry and multiple – exit characteristics:
Award levels and Credit Framework for B.Voc. Degree Programmes:
Besides regular UG/PG Programmes, the AISD offers employment linked programmes under EIC Hub
The AISD has Computer laboratory supported by UGC for B.Voc. Programmes with
The laboratory is equipped with the following Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Softwares to give hands-on training to the Fashion Technology related Programmes:
The Garment Training Unit have equipped with the following machineries and apparatus to give practical exposure to the B.Voc / M.Voc Fashion Technology students and the students of Short-term courses on ‘Sewing Machine Operator’.
AISD augmented with latest books and E-Learning materials related to Fashion Technology and Software Development disciplines for the worth of 12 lakh rupees.
The primary purpose of an alumni association is to foster a sense of community and connection among graduates, as well as to support the alma mater through various means such as networking opportunities, fundraising, mentorship programs, and social events.
Alagappa Institute of Skill Development Alumni associations organize reunions, networking events, career development workshops, and fundraising campaigns to support scholarships, campus improvements, or other initiatives. They often maintain communication channels such as newsletters, social media groups, and alumni directories to keep members informed about news, events, and opportunities related to their alma mater.
AISD – Alumni Associations play a crucial role in maintaining relationships between the institution and its graduates, as well as among the alumni themselves. They serve as a valuable resource for both personal and professional growth, allowing alumni to stay connected to their alma mater long after they have graduated.
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