It is one of the Flagship Infrastructure programs of Department of Science and Technology, which was commenced in the year 2009 exclusively for the University sector. The main objective of the scheme is to strengthen the research capacity of performing Indian Universities and provide support for nurturing the research ecosystem and strengthening the R&D base of the Universities in the country. Department of Science & Technology has restructured and re-oriented PURSE in the year 2020. A combination of I10 index of faculty members in the University, H index of the University along with NIRF Ranking is used to formulate the new criteria for selection of Universities under PURSE. Universities have been encouraged to carry out Mission mode research activities to focus on thrust areas which align with National priorities of Excellence in Manufacturing, Waste processing, Clean Energy, Water and Start up India. Universities are encouraged to harness their areas of excellence into thematic effort of an accomplished team, with clearly articulated objectives. The Scheme provides the support to acquire research facilities, research man-power cost, acquiring research consumables, funds for travel, organizing workshops and conferences, contingencies and maintenance of the facilities. The synergy and focus of research may preferably be aligned to NationalMissions/ Priorities. The duration of support for PURSE Project will be for a period of 4 years.
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