The office of the Controller of Examinations is responsible for the conduct of scheduled examinations of all the following academic streams.
University Department
Affiliated Colleges
Collaborative Programmes
Distance and Online Education
End Semester Examinations are conducted every year in the months of April and November for the students of University Departments, Affiliated Colleges and Collaborative Programmes. End Semester Examinations are conducted every year in the months of May and December for the students of Distance Education and Online Education. The Schedule for the End Semester Examinations shall be published on the University website five weeks prior to the commencement of examinations and a detailed time-table shall be published three weeks prior to the commencement of examination with the details of examination centres. Students are advised to visit the website of Alagappa University for the information related to their End Semester Examination.
The office of the Controller of Examinations has implemented total automation in the examination process of all the academic streams of University through its well established physical as well as ICT infrastructures. We are the pioneers in conducting the examinations through online, introducing on-screen and online evaluation processes among the Universities of the country.
Tamil Nadu Innovation and Initiatives of State Planning Commission, (TANII) Government of Tamil Nadu has sanctioned a sum of Rupees 4.5 Crore to the University to develop a novel method for digital evaluation and to implement the same in the end semester examinations of Alagappa University. Through this Innovative Project 150 number of high configuration computers, sophisticated duplex scanners, answer booklet batching machines, automatic answer booklet cutter machines, I.D. markers, automatic stapler maker, software for quality checking, Rack Servers with Xeon Processor with 24 T.B. capacity & 256 GB RAM, Network Attached Storage Servers with 24 T.B. capacities, 1 and 10 Giga bit managed network switches, projector and LED display boards, high resolution colour printers have been installed at TANII Digital Evaluation Centre of Alagappa University.
General Grievance Redressal : (+91) 4565 228097 & 223122 Distance Education Grievance Redressal : (+91) 4565 223125 & 223175 Email :
Dr. S. Arun obtained his M.Sc from Annamalai University, Ph.D. from Bharathidasan University and did his Post Doctoral Research in CSIC, Barcelona, Spain. He has 10 years of Research experience in the field of Aquatic Toxicology and Xenobiotic Metabolism and 18 years of Administrative experience as Deputy Controller of Examinations in Alagappa University.
Online Applications for Examination (UG / PG) -
Private Examination Application Form -
Submit a request letter (in-person or by post) with your complete address to the Controller of Examinations, Alagappa University Karaikudi – 630 003 along with photo copy of the Mark Statement already received from this office and the photo copy of any one of the Identity Cards. (Identity Card of Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa Univesity / Pan Card/Driving License/Voter I.D/ Adhar Card).
If the request is by post, enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope also for Rs. 40/-.
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Website Designed and Maintained by MIS, Alagappa University