Dean Research

Research is one of the strongest components of Alagappa University. All the faculty members of the University have been actively engaged in research. With financial support from national/international agencies like DST, DBT, UGC, CSIR, ICMR, DRDO, MHRD, UNESCO, etc., various research projects are being carried out. Currently 70 projects with external funding to the tune of Rs.1400 lakhs are on-going. The University Grants Commission has been supporting the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Biotechnology, Bioinformatics -(DST-FIST) and Physical Education under Special Assistance Programme (SAP).

Similarly, the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India has been supporting the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Biotechnology under "Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST)" scheme. Based on the research publications and 'h' index, the DST has recently sanctioned a research grant of Rs.600 lakhs to all the Science Departments of the University under Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (PURSE) scheme.

The average impact factor of the publications made is close to 2.0. Alagappa University has published 618 research papers with an average citation per paper of 2.85 during the period 1999-2008 and has a high share (31.07%; All India Rank 3 among top 53 Indian Universities) of International Collaborative Publications in total publications output during the same period (Gupta BM, Indian J. Sci. Technol. 3(7):837-843, 2010). Based on the average H-index of 22, Alagappa University has got 27th rank at the national level.

Apart from earmarking Rs. 1000 lakhs for equipments and consumables in the last 5 years, the University has created an internal research fund, Alagappa University Research Fund (AURF) with a corpus, of Rs. 500 lakhs for inculcating research culture and promoting research. Every year, projects worth Rs. 50 lakhs are sanctioned by the University from its own funds for research.

A separate Research Section has been functioning under the Dean of Research since 24th January, 2011. The University has Research Advisory Committee (RAC) to monitor and foster research activities at various levels in the University with the University's objective of 'Fostering Research for the Advancement and Dissemination of Knowledge' utmost in mind. The RAC has formulated the guidelines for admission to M.Phil and Ph.D. programs.

Alagappa University is one of the early birds to adopt the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedures for award of M.Phil and Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009. The guidelines were formed on the lines of UGC regulations as well as on the guidelines of Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education (TANSCHE) in important Aspects such as fixing the eligibility criteria for M.Phil/Ph.D Supervisor-ship, Procedure for admission, Allocation of Research Supervisor to Research Scholars, Course Work, Evaluation and assessment methods. On the advice of RAC, the University conducts an All India Level Pre-PhD Entrance Examination twice a year(February and July) for selecting meritorious candidates for M.Phil and Ph.D. programs in various disciplines.

Wide publicity is also given through National dailies and University website for the Pre-PhD Qualifying Entrance Examination. The RAC also advises the University authorities in several other matters which are involved with fostering of research and maintaining the quality of the research programs. The RAC meets 4-6 times in a year and evolves strategies for maintaining quality in research besides dealing with special issues, as they may arise and provides recommendation based on merits of each case.

The University had thus far enrolled 4958 candidates for doctoral programs, of whom 2919 got awarded the PhD and remaining candidates pursue their work.

Dr. B. Vaseeharan

Dean - Research

Dr. B. Vaseeharan

Dean (Research)

+91 4565 - 223155 / 228085

+91 4565 - 225202

Research Advisory Committee
Sl. No. Members
1 Dr. B. Vaseeharan
2 Dr. C. Sekar
Member of Syndicate & Director
Centre for International Relations,
Alagappa University
3 Dr. S. Rajaram
Member of Syndicate
Alagappa University
4 Dr. J. Jeyakanthan
Dean, Faulty of Science & Director
Alagappa University Ranking Cell,
Alagappa University
5 Dr. S. Thanuskodi
Faculty of Arts, Alagappa University
6 Dr. G. Kalaiyarasan
Faculty of Education, Alagappa University
7 Dr. C. Yogalakshmi
Faculty of Management, Alagappa University
8 Dr. K. Sankaranarayanan
Sr. Prof. & Head
Department of Physics, Alagappa University
9 Dr. K. Balamurugan
Sr. Prof. & Head
Department of Biotechnology, Alagappa University
10 Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh
Department of Bioinformatics, Alagappa University
11 Dr. S. Karuppuchamy
Professor & Head
Department of Energy Science, Alagappa University
12 Dr. P. Madhan
Professor & Head i/c
Department of English & Foreign Languages, Alagappa University
13 Dr. D. Maniazhagu
Department of Physical Education & Health Sciences, Alagappa University
14 Dr. C. Vethirajan
Sr. Prof. & Head
Department of Corporate Secretaryship, Alagappa University
D.Sc. / D.Litt. - Regulations
Ph.D. Regulations
Code of Ethics in Research
Research Policy
Admission for Foreign Nationals / NRIs
Pre-Registration Qualifying Entrance Examination for Ph.D. Programme Result - October 2023
Sl. No Date Discription View
103-03-2025Ph.D. - Exemption from writing Entrance Examination
216-12-2024Research paper publications - Inclusion of University name and Research Supervisor name
312-12-2024Registrar - Circular - Instructions issued for strict compliance
404-12-2024Similarity certificate - iThenticate
518-10-2024List of Journals excluded
618-10-2024List of Journals excluded UGC CARE journal - Physical Education
712-07-2024Renewal fees
813-05-2024"iThenticate";- Plagiarism detection software
916-02-2024Publication of Research Papers
1005-10-2023Ph.D. Scholar's attendance; Thesis submission timings
1125-08-2023Guiding Ph.D. candidates - Part-time
1215-12-2022Panel for Doctoral Committee; Format
1318-10-2022Conversion; Minimum duration for pre-thesis submission presentation
1423-05-2022List of journals - Excluded
1625-04-2022Panel of Examiners; INSPIRE Candidates
1707-04-2022Journals verification
1809-03-2022Doctoral Committee - viva voce - Offline mode
1919-04-2021Doctoral Committee - Prior intimation
2019-01-2021Co-guide ; Guide recognition
2118-09-2020List of journals - Excluded
2230-08-2019Include - University name - Registrar's circular
2302-01-2019Amendments in Ph.D. Regulations
2403-05-2018Utilize - Central Librarys
Existing Fee Details
Sl. No Description Approved Fee
Indian Candidates Rs. NRI / Foreign Candidates US $
1 Cost of Application 1000 100
2 Registration Fee 3000 200
3 Annual Fee payable per annum up to a maximum of Seven (5+2) years
i. For Full-Time Scholars in the Faculty of Science

ii. For Full-Time Scholars in other Faculties




i. For Part-Time Scholars in the Faculty of Science

ii. For Part -Time Scholars in other Faculties




4 Course Work & Comprehensive Viva-Voce 6000 400
5 Extension Fee (For six months) 1000 100
6 Change of Guide / Centre Fee 2000 200
7 Conversion Fee (Part-Time to Full-Time or vice-versa) 2000 100
8 Submission of Thesis 12000 1000
9 Postage 3000 200
10 Re-registration fee 10000 400
11 Video Conferencing for Public Viva-Voce 5000 200
12 Special Extension Penalty Fee 10000 400
13 Computer / Internet charges (only for Scholars in University Departments and Constituent Colleges) per annum 1000 100
14 Library fee (Only for Scholars in the University Departments and Constituent Colleges) per annum 500 50
15 Renewal fees for confirmation 10000 200
16 Fees for pre-thesis submission presentation, after a lapse of 10 years 25000 500

All Ph.D. Scholars shall pay the research fee within the due date. In case, the tuition fee is not paid within 30 days after the due date, the registration shall stand cancelled. Such candidates may seek renewal of registration within a period of three months from the due date, by paying the prescribed fee and penalty of Rs.1000/ - / $100.

Guidelines For Submission to Tamil Virtual Academy
D.Sc. / D.Litt. - Application for Registration
Ph.D. Registration Form
Ph.D. Re-Registration Form
Ph.D. Thesis Submission Form
Application for Recognition as Research Supervisor
Application for Recognition as Approved Research Centre (ARC) - Affiliated Colleges
Application for Recognition as Approved Research Centre (ARC) - Other Institution
Application for Revival of Approved Research Centre (ARC) of Alagappa University
Format for submitting the Panel of Examiners

Syllabus - Ph.D. Entrance Examination

Library and Information Science

Research Methodology

Major Subject

Bioelectronics & Biosensors

Research Methodology

Major Subject

Nanoscience & Technology

Research Methodology

Major Subject

Oceanography & Coastal Area Studies

Research Methodology

Major Subject

International Business

Research Methodology

Major Subject

Corporate Secretaryship

Research Methodology

Major Subject

Research Supervisors
Approved Research Supervisors
Research Scholars
Ph.D. Research Scholars - 2020-2025
Ph.D. Research Scholars - 2017-2019
Post Doctoral Fellowship
Postdoctoral/Doctoral Fellowships for Overseas Candidates in Alagappa University

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Management

Faculty of Science

International Fellowships
Information / Enquiry
Information for foreign Students
Indian Missions Abroad
Grants for Research - AURF
Alagappa University Research Fund (AURF)

Alagappa University has created a corpus in the name of Alagappa University Research Fund (AURF) to promote research culture among the faculty members and scholars of Alagappa University, as per the university norms. Out of interest earned on this corpus, the following schemes are implemented.

AURF - Research Fellowship

Successful toppers in the Pre-Ph.D. Entrance examination and subsequently registered in the University Departments (or) Registered Non-stipendiary Meritorious scholar in the Departments shall be awarded a fellowship of Rs.5,000/- per month for a period of two years.

AURF - Partial support for submission of Ph.D. Thesis

Full-time non-stipendiary Ph.D. research scholars registered in the University Departments shall be paid a one-time monetary support of Rs.10,000/- each at the time of submission of Thesis.

AURF - Start Up Research Grant

New faculty members in the University Departments shall be awarded one-time grant of Rs.1,00,000/- (one laksh) for Science and Rs.50,000/- (fifty thousands) for non-science Departments for undertaking cutting-edge / thrust area research.

AURF - Excellent Researcher Award

Research recognition in the form of Award consisting Rs.15,000/- (fifteen thousands) Cash, Certificate, Citation and Gold Medal shall be awarded to a Faculty for the contribution made in research and possessing good "h"index.

AURF - Research Patent Grant

Faculty shall avail financial support for patenting the output of research originated either from funded Research project or for Ph.D. supervision carried out in the University Departments.

AURF - Support for Research paper publication

Faculty shall avail financial support (actual amount) for publishing high quality research paper in peer reviewed journals.

AURF - Travel grant for presenting Research paper in International Conferences

Faculty and Ph.D. scholars shall avail partial or full financial support (actual amount) for presenting research papers in International events (seminar / conference / workshop etc) abroad.

AURF - Partial support for conducting seminar / conference in Thrust Area(s) of Research

Faculty representing the Department shall avail partial financial support for conducting International Seminar / Conference in emerging / thrust area(s) of research, as per norms.

AURF Beneficiaries
AURF Research Fellowships
Sl. No. Reg. No. Name of the Scholar Department
1 1267 S.Selvakumar Education (DDE)
2 1246 T.Balamurugan Library & Information Science
3 1245 S.T.Aruna Thevi Alagappa University College of Education
4 1230 B.Thirukkumaran Tamil
5 1227 C.Sathiyaraj Alagappa University College of Physical Education
6 1215 P.Muthuramalingam Biotechnology
7 1203 C.Renuka Economics & Rural Development
8 1189 S.Shobana Alagappa Institute of Management
9 1169 B.M.Ashwin Industrial Chemistry
10 1075 R.Ishwarya Animal Health & Management
11 1066 V.Kalyani Women’s Studies
12 1057 M.Nagalakshmi Energy Science
13 983 G.Sowmya Physics
14 971 J.Bharath Oceanography & Coastal Area Studies
15 960 T.Kanimozhi English
16 958 S.Saranya Corporate Secretaryship
17 833 J.Mahalakshmi Computer Science & Engg
18 817 M.Sudhan Bioelectronics & Biosensors
19 659 L.Akila Mathematics
20 654 R.Kalyani Nanoscience & Technoloyg
21 1122 Umesh Panwar Bioinformatics
22 1304 S.Vevek International Business & Commerce
23 1185 S.Pandiselvi Mathematics
24 998 K.Banupriya Corporate Secretaryship
25 1269 S.Sivasakthi Nanoscience & Technology
26 1177 G. Arivalagan Management
27 1240 X. Arockia Anita Education
AURF Partial Support for Submission of Ph.D Thesis
Sl. No. Reg. No. Name of the Scholar Department
1 813 N.Chitra Devi Alagappa Institute of Management
2 561 D.Murugan Corporate Secretaryship
3 616 M.Ilayaraja Computer Science
4 681 V.Thirumal Nanoscience and Technology
5 676 M.Karpuraranjith Industrial Chemistry 
6 935 K.Shankar Computer Applications
7 1047 J.Kalaiselvimary Physics
8 1260 U.Chellapandi Alagappa University College of Physical Education
9 865 K.Bama Industrial Chemistry
AURF Partial Support for publication in peer reviewed Journals
Sl. No. Name of the faculty Department Name of the Journal
1 Dr.K.Pandimadevi,  Associate Professor Dept. of Biotechnology International Journal “PLOS ONE”
AURF Research Fellowship - Scheme I
Sl. No. Reg. No. Name of the Scholar Discipline
1 1659 Ms.S.Soniya Management
2 1656 Mr.N.Ramar Management
3 1720 Ms.R.Bhuvaneswari Animal Health and Management
4 1714 Ms.J.Archana Zoology
5 1677 Ms.G.Savithiri Physics
6 1730 Mr.K.Raja Economics
7 1701 Mr.Arava Suman Kumar Physical Education
8 1668 Mr.K.Sundararajan Physical Education
9 1693 Mr.M.Arul Kumar International Business
10 1684 Ms.N.Annalakshmi Education
11 1740 M.Monicka Education
12 1777 Silamboli Special Education
13 1782 S.Rajendran Management
14 1818 B.Vimala Commerce
15 1785 T.Priyanka Commerce
16 1807 R.Kalidass History
17 1440 A.Sarathkumar English
18 1487 P.Alaguraja English
19 1739 S.Sabeena Begam Mathematics
AURF Research Fellowship - Scheme II
Sl. No. Reg. No. Name of the Scholar Discipline
1 1424 MR.D.Jayabalan Biotechnology
2 1428 Mr.M.Vinoth Corporate Secretaryship
3 1532 Ms.M.Soundarya Bank Management
4 1635 Ms.Adyasa Barik Microbiology
5 1421 Mr.V.Abdul Salahudeen Commerce
6 1497 Ms.R.Karkuzhali Chemistry
7 1436 Mr.B.Saravanakumar Physics
8 1475 Ms.S.Suriya Prabha Mathematics
9 1409 Mr.A.Vignesh Management
10 1481 Ms.M.Divya Zoology
11 1419 Mr.K.Alaguraja Physical Education
12 1620 Ms.M.Yazhini Prabha Zoology
13 1612 Ms.G.Kalpana Commerce
14 1555 Ms.P.Nivetha Management
15 1524 Mr.T.Boobalan Microbiology
16 1601 Mr.P.Saravanan Education
17 1572 Ms.S.Geetha Women’s Studies
18 1564 Ms.P.Nithya Chemistry
19 1528 Mr.M.Shivasubramanian Tamil
20 1529 Mr.M.Karuppiah Physics
21 1632 Ms.N.Geetha Computer Science
22 1558 Mr.M.Santhosh Kumar Physical Education
Thesis Adjudication Status
Alagappa University (Research Section Thesis Status Checking System)
Research Scholars
Details of Ph.D. Scholars - June 2012 to March 2017
Details of Ph.D. Scholars - April 2017 to September 2017
Contact us
  1. Dr. B. Vaseeharan

  2. Dean
  3. Dean Research
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.
  2. 04565 223155
  3. 04565 228085
  4. 04565 225202