Prof. J. Jeyakanthan, Head of Bioinformatics Department, Alagappa University since 2010, has enhanced the Department infrastructure and research facilities right from the scratch to global standards. He has more than 25 years of prolific experience in Structural Biology, Macromolecular Crystallography and Bio-Computing. He has received Ph.D in Bio-Physics from University of Madras and have also received UGC Research award, Young Scientist Travel Grants from UNESCO and DST. He has also been awarded SRF (CSIR), YSF (IUCr, UK) and PDF (IISc, Bangalore). He has also served as Research Scientist for 10 years in RIKEN, Harima Institute (SPring-8, Japan) which facilitated him in becoming a full-fledged promising Structural Biologist with global recognition. His research interests span both Structural Biology and Bio-Computing with exceptional track record of about 150 research publications, over 100 national and International presentations, more than 150 protein structure depositions in PDB and along with 23 GenBank depositions. He has successfully completed 11 research projects funded by DBT, DST-SERB, ICMR, and UGC and 2 ongoing projects sponsored by DAE-BRNS and DST INDO-TAIWAN. The funds received from various government funding agencies for research projects hits the total of Rs. 752.853 Lakhs. His valuable contributions in Structural Biology have encouraged various scientists and numerous students to pursue their research and come with breakthrough solutions for diseases that question the sustainability of humankind. Under his guidance, four scholars have received their Doctoral Degrees and 12 scholars are currently pursuing Ph.D. Prof. Jeyakanthan hold life membership in 6 scientific professional bodies and currently serving as Editor/Reviewer in several SCI journals. Apart from his research accomplishments, he has been serving in various administrative ranks in Alagappa University including Syndicate Member, Senate Member, Director for Alagappa University Ranking Cell (AURC), Nodal Officer in NIRF, Director of Tamil Nadu State University Rating Framework (TANSURF), Coordinator of DST-PURSE, DST-FIST and UGC Innovative Programmes.
For further updates on the Director please visit his page:
Dr. J. JeyakanthanSenior Professor and HeadDepartment of BioinformaticsRoom No: 402, 4th Floor, Science CampusAlagappa UniversityKaraikudi – 630003
The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) is one of the important initiatives laid out by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) in 2015 which ranks the Institutions across India on the basis of parameters classified broadly.
Each of the main head parameters are provided with weightage and maximum of 100 marks. Further under each main parameter is classified into respective sub-parameters.
For more details on NIRF parameters and its sub-heads please visit and
QS, an elaborative ranking system since 2004 continues to lead innovation in ranking and evaluation of higher education institutions worldwide. QS Rankings are referred to be international organizations such as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and World Economic Forum (WEF). In Indian context, QS IGAUGE is an India-centric rating system introduced by QS taking into considering the dynamic Indian higher education. The eight indicators used to create the India ranking are:
Altogether, the indicators listed above are primarily used to create the INDIA counterpart for QS ranking and also can be used to compute QS-INDIA and QS-ASIA ranking.
For further details on QS ranking indicators kindly visit
The AURC has the responsibility to collect, analyze, compute and maintain the processed information for various sub-parameters pertaining to NIRF and QS ranking based on its respective methodologies. Also, comparative data is drawn for Alagappa University and top ranking Universities/Institutions corresponding to previous ranking years. In this way parameters which needs to be strengthened are consistently analyzed and monitored that will place Alagappa University in top of the ranking charts. Therefore, the AURC team is committed to bring significant improvements in the rankings of Alagappa University.
Prof. J. JeyakanthanDirectorAlagappa University Ranking Cell (AURC),Alagappa UniversityContact Phone Office: (+91) 4565 223340Mobile: +91-9789809245Contact e-mail: /
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