Department of Computer Science
About the Department

The Department of Computer Science was established in the year 2016 to facilitate teaching, learning, and research in Computing paradigms and to provide training for students in Computational techniques and Information Technology. Since its inception, the Department has been committed to teaching, learning and extension activities with programmes at the postgraduate level (M.Sc., and M.Phil.) and research programmes at doctoral level. Doctoral programme leading to Ph.D. is also being offered in multi/ interdisciplinary areas of Computing. The Department of Computer Science recently launched a new two-year M.Sc. Cyber Forensics programme which is one of the advanced fields in Digital Security.

The Department has an excellent multipurpose Computer Laboratory established under RUSA 1.0 scheme with modular workstations. Faculty, students, and scholars are having access to internet on 24 x 7 basis.

The Department comprises of well-experienced faculty members with research interests and expertise in Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, Image Processing, Information Security, Smart Agriculture and Healthcare Informatics, and Database Management. Department faculty have visited Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia and have international collaborations with Universities in Sri Lanka and China. The Department is undertaking research projects in the fields of IoT, Data Privacy, Health Care Research and Database Creation. The novel research findings that emerged from the coordination of the faculty members and scholars are reflected as research publications in highly reputed journals.

  1. To develop highly skilled professionals in Computer Technologies and Cyber Security, meeting the demands of Academia and Industry, and concurrently advancing research in cutting-edge Computational and Data Analytics on a global scale.
  1. To provide high-quality International Education and Research in Computing and Data Analytics.
  2. To attain expertise in both research and technology, focusing on the development of Computing tools, Smart mobile apps.
  3. To prioritize practical exposure to students in cutting edge technologies like Computational Intelligence, Cyber Forensics to shape their career.
  4. To implement a holistic approach in diverse aspects of Computing and Data Analytics for effective use of data in multi-disciplinary fields.
We are committed to

Delivering : rigorous and comprehensive academic programs that equip students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical values necessary to excel in diverse careers and contribute meaningfully to society.
Advancing : the frontiers of computer science through cutting-edge research that addresses fundamental challenges, drives innovation, and creates impactful solutions for real-world problems.
Cultivating : a collaborative and inclusive environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and lifelong learning among students, faculty, staff, and industry partners.
Engaging : with local and global communities to share knowledge, promote technological literacy, and address societal challenges through interdisciplinary collaborations and outreach initiatives.
Nurturing : a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, empowering students, and faculty to translate research discoveries into practical applications and ventures that benefit society and the economy.
Promoting : diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels of our department, fostering a welcoming and supportive environment where individuals from all backgrounds can thrive and contribute their unique perspectives and talents.
Establishing : strategic partnerships with industry, government, and academic institutions to enhance research collaborations, support experiential learning opportunities, and facilitate technology transfer for the benefit of society and the advancement of the field.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. A. Padmapriya

  2. Professor and Head
  3. Department of Computer Science
  4. Science Campus, Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.
Professor and Head i/c

Dr. A. Padmapriya

Professor and Head



Dr. T. Meyyappan

Senior Professor


Dr. S. Santhosh Kumar

Assistant Professor


Mr. K. Anbazhagan

Senior System Programmer


Dr. P. Subhasri

Teaching Assistant


Dr. S. Clement Virgeniya

Teaching Assistant


Dr. S. Arunpandian

Teaching Assistant


Dr. S. Suganya

Teaching Assistant

Programmes on Offer
Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.Sc. Computer Science
2PGM.Sc. Cyber Forensics
3M.PhilM.Phil., Computer Science
M.Sc. Computer Science

Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology/ B.C.A. or any qualification equivalent thereto in 10+2+3 pattern of any recognized University (with a minimum of 55% marks in Part-III for others and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates)

M.Sc. Cyber Forensics

B.Sc. Computer Science / Information Technology / Cyber Forensics / Cyber Security / Software / Data Science / Artificial Intelligence / B.C.A. / B. Voc (Software Development) / B. Sc Forensics (with +2 level Mathematics) / or any other qualification equivalent thereto in 10+2+3 pattern (with a minimum of 55% marks in Part-III for others and 50% marks for SC/ST candidates)

M.Phil. Computer Science

M.Sc. Degree in Computer Science/Information Technology or M.C.A. or any qualification equivalent thereto (with a minimum of 60% marks for others and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates)

Ph. D. Computer Science

Postgraduate in Computer Science/ Computer Applications/ Engineering/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Statistics/ Information Technology

Fee Structure
Sl.No. Description M.Sc.
Computer Science
Cyber Forensics
Computer Science
1 Tuition Fee including Guest Lecture Fee Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 2000.00 Rs. 5000.00
2 Computer / Lab Fee Rs. 3000.00 Rs. 12000.00 Rs. 2000.00
3 Special Fee Rs. 2200.00 Rs. 2200.00 Rs. 2000.00
4 Other Fee Rs. 1300.00 Rs. 1300.00 Rs. 1000.00
5 Special Lecture & Industrial Visit / Camp - Rs. 3000.00 Rs. 10000.00
6 First Year Total Fee Rs. 8500.00 Rs. 20500.00 Rs. 7500.00
Rs. 2600.00
5 Second year Total Fee Rs. 7500.00 Rs. 19500.00 -

The Department is well equipped with the state of the art Modernized Multipurpose Computer Laboratory. The computers in the laboratory as well as Department are provided with 24 x 7 Internet connectivity to make the students and staff stay connected with the recent innovations. The Lecture halls are equipped with LCD, Computers and Smart Board to make presentations more interactive.

As an initiative to academia-industry collaboration, the department has executed MoU with leading information technology industries (Hebesec Technologies, WBC Software Lab and Thrivee Technologies) for the benefit of students in knowledge acquisition and placement opportunities.


The Department of Computer Science is pioneer in research. The curriculum is designed with research focus. This Department is one of well-known in producing a greater number of Ph. D candidates. With well-equipped research facilities and experienced faculty strength, the department followed many innovative practices in research.

Major Thrust Areas of Research

Data Mining
Information and Network Security
Communication Networks
Image / Video Processing
Cloud Computing

Big Data Analytics
Operation Research
Mathematical Algorithms
Wireless Communications
Machine Learning
Computational Biology
Semantic Web & Software Development

The department is having faculty with high profile and academic excellence in all spheres of computational sciences. The faculty members have participated and presented papers in foreign countries Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Dubai. More than 50 scholars have obtained their doctoral degrees under the guideship (or mentorship) of our faculty members. Since its inception, the department has organized many academic/research events at national and international levels for the students to gain knowledge about thrust areas in computer science. The faculty members have undertaken major and minor research projects funded by U.G.C., N.T.R.O, RUSA and AURF.

Research Projects
Research Publications

The Alagappa University Computer Science Alumni Association [ALUCSAA] was formed in December 2016. Nearly 70 members attended the meeting. The office bearers were unanimously selected by the participating Alumni members to look after the functionality of the Association. The members presented their views for being Alumni member and various activities to be conducted in the Association. The Alumni members are very eager to support the Department of Computer Science by way of placement opportunities, expert lectures in recent trends, carrier guidance, financial support to conduct seminar, conferences, helping hands to the poor students studying M. Sc (CS) in this University and to improve the infrastructural facilities in the Department of Computer Science, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

ALUCSAA – Present Office Bearers
Name Designation
Senior Prof. T. Meyyappan President
Dr. S. Santhoshkumar Vice-President
Prof. A. Padmapriya Secretary
Dr. K. C. Chandrasekar Treasurer
Dr. M. Murugavel Joint Secretary
Dr. S. Yashoda oint Secretary
Dr. B. Indrani Joint Secretary
Dr. M. Sathishkumar Executive Member
Dr. RM. Vidhyavathi Executive Member
Dr. K. Berlin Executive Member
Dr. J. Mahalakshmi Executive Member

A bank account is opened in Indian Bank, A.C. Campus branch to collect subscriptions and carry out financial transaction’s members related to various activities of the Association.

Alagappa University Computer Science Alumni Association (ALUCSAA)
Account Details
Account Name Alagappa University Computer Science Alumni Association (ALUCSAA)
Savings Bank Account Number 6489723189
Bank and Branch Indian Bank, A.C. Campus Branch, Karaikudi
IFSC Code IDIB000A008

Email id :

At present ALUCSSAA is having good number of members including 25 members from U.S.A. and middle east countries. The Alumni are contributing the Department in the form of

  1. Knowledge Transfer through interaction with the students periodically
  2. Donating books to the Department Book Bank Scheme
  3. Financial assistance to the activities like Workshops/Seminars/Invited Lectures/Technical Symposium
  4. Financial Support for creating innovative prototypes for National Science Day Celebrations from 2023 onwards.
Student Council
Students Council (2023-2024)

The student council aims to make positive changes that benefit the students, scholars, and community.

S. No. Name of the Student Programme Position
1 S. SELVA PRIYA M. Sc (CS) President
2 K. SANGEETHA M. Sc (CF) Vice-President
3 R. SRI MAHALAKSHMI M. Sc (CS) Secretary
4 R. NANTHINIPRIYA M. Sc (CF) Joint Secretary
9 N. AISHWARYA M. Sc (CS) EC Member
10 A. SNEGA M. Sc (CF) EC Member
11 D. JEYANDRAN M. Sc (CF) EC Member
Students Association (ALUCSSA)

Alagappa University Computer Science Students Association (ALUCSSA) was formed in August 2022 with the objective to bridge the gap between the academia and industry. The objective of the function could be achieved by performing the following activities (not limited to)

  1. Organizing hands on workshops for job-oriented technology trends.
  2. Organizing seminars / motivational speeches to inspire the students.
  3. Organizing symposiums for the undergraduate college students.
Sl.No. Name of the Student Programme Position
1 U. LAVANYA M. Sc (CS) President
2 M. AJAY M. Sc (CS) Vice-President
3 S. SELVA PRIYA M. Sc (CS) Secretary
4 R. RAHIM M. Sc (CS) Joint Secretary
5 A. IDHAYA CATHERINE M. Sc (CS) Treasurer
Events organized by ALUCSSA
Sl.No. Date & Time Event / Activity No. of Participants
1 12-09-2022, 2.00 PM Expert Lecture on Mobile Application Development 120
2 27-10-2022 & 28-10-2022 TECHNOVA 2022 120
3 20-02-2024 & 21-02-2024 TECHNOVA 2K4 150
3 20-02-2024 & 21-02-2024 TECHNOVA 2K4 150
Cyber Forensics Hackathon Club

Cyber Forensics Hackathon Club was formed in September 2023 with the objective of creating a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives, and thus inculcate a culture of product innovation and a mindset of problem-solving.

Sl. No. Name of the Student Programme Position
1 MEGASRI G M. Sc (CF) President
2 UVASOURAVJES T M. Sc (CF) Vice-President
3 ANBARASI M M. Sc (CF) Secretary
4 GURU PRAKASH R M. Sc (CF) Joint Secretary
5 NANTHINIPRIYA R M. Sc (CF) Treasurer
Computer Science Magazine Club

Alagappa University Computer Science Students Association (ALUCSSA) was formed in August 2022 with the objective of the club is to purchase Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers related to the field of Computers / employability / aptitude etc and to circulate them among the students and scholars to enlighten their knowledge.

Sl. No. Name of the Student Programme Role
1 VISHALI V M. Sc CS – II Year President
2 UMA R Ph. D. Vice-President
3 MENNAPPAN M M. Sc CS – II Year Secretary
4 BHUVANESHWARI S M. Sc CS – I Year Joint Secretary
5 SUBRAJA R M. Phil CS Treasurer
6 SINEKA P M. Sc CS – I Year Joint Secretary
7 JEYANDRAN D M. Sc CF – I Year Joint Secretary

Journals subscribed through CS Magazine Club

  1. Indian Journal of Computer Science Theory and Practical (2022 to 2024)
  2. International Journal of Computing, Programming and Database Management (2023, 2024)
  3. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Healthcare Informatics (2023, 2024)
Departmental Committees

Department of Computer Science has various committees to perform different activities as below.

Committee Coordinators Members
Mentor Mentee All Faculty Members M. Sc Computer Science & Cyber Forensics Students
IQAC Dr. S. Santhoshkumar Dr. A. Padmapriya
Dr. T. Meyyappan,
Dr. S. Uma Maheswari
Dr. S. Karthikeyan
Dr. P. Subhasri
E - Magazine Dr. S.Santhoshkumar Ms. R. Uma, Ph. D Scholar
Ms. Mirinali Das Ph. D Scholar
AR. Shree Chidambaram
M. Manikandan
M Palanikumar
M. Mohamed Jassim
Student Welfare Dr. T. Meyyappan S. Rubina
NS. Hariharan
C. Kowsalya
RJ. Afrin Begum
M. Kathija yasmine
V. Vishali
Women Empowerment Club Dr. A. Padmapriya Dr. S. Uma Maheswari
Dr. P. Subhasri
Mrs. G. Yogeswari
R. Subraja, M. Phil (CS)
M. Gayathri, M. Sc (CS)
A. Snega M. Sc (CF)
Students Blog & Forum Dr. S. Santhoshkumar Dr. S. Karthikeyan
G. Alexandar Nargunam
K. Janani
Keerthana Silamban
T. Meenatchi
K. Swathilakshmi
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Dr. T. Meyyappan Parents of M. Sc Computer Science & Cyber Forensics students
Alumni Meeting Dr. S. Santhoshkumar Dr. P. Subhasri
Dr. S. Uma Maheswari
Mrs. S. Suganya
M. Sc Students
Cultural Club Dr. S. Uma Maheswari
Dr. S. Karthikeyan
Mrs. S. Suganya
Ms. R. Uma
K. Vetrivel
G. Aiswaryalakshmi
P. Saranya Devi
Go Green Committee Dr. S. Santhoshkumar S. Nooriya Begam
S. Aravinth
S. Bhuvaneswari
C. Chitra Devi
M. Devi
Sports Club Dr. P. Subhasri
Dr. S. Karthikeyan
J. Josephine Sahaya Vergin
M. Manikandan
NS. Sudhaharan
M. Yogesh Balaji
K. Sivagurunathan
Scholar Forum Dr. A. Padmapriya All Ph.D. Scholars

Department of Computer Science is one among the youngest departments in the University established in 2016. The Department provides intensive training to the students to improve their employability skills. As a result of continuous training and effort, our students got placed at respectful places/institutions. On campus and off campus recruitment programmes were organized periodically. Some of the reputed institutions were our students got placed are listed below.

Academic / Research Institutions
  1. Alagappa University, Karaikudi
  2. Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  3. VIT Bhopal
  4. Thiagarajar College of Arts and Science, Madurai
  5. H.H. The Rajahs College, Pudukkottai.
  6. Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
  7. IBRA College of Technology, Sultanate of Oman
  8. Alagappa Govt. Arts College, Karaikudi
  9. Govt.Arts& Science College, Coimbatore
  10. NIT Trichy
  11. Kalasalingam Academy of Research & Education Krishnan Kovil
  12. Marudhupandiyar College, Thanjavur
  13. Mangayarkarasi college of arts and science for women Paravai Madurai
  14. King Faisal University Country: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  15. Dr. Umayal Ramanathan College for Women Karaikudi
  16. American college Madurai
  17. Vidhyagiri College of Arts & Science, Puduvayal
  18. Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan, College of Engineering and Technology ECR, Mamallapuram
  19. CECRI, Karaikudi
  20. Yadava College of Arts and Science, Madurai
  21. SeethalakshmiAchi College for women, Pallathur
  22. ChellapanVidhyamandir School, Karaikudi
  23. Sri Bharathi Arts and Science College for Women, Pudukkottai.
IT Sector
  1. Software Technological Parks of India, Chennai
  2. Infosys Limited, Shollinganalur, Chennai
  3. Algorics, Bangalore
  4. Hewlett Pacakard Enterprise Bangalore, Karnataka
  5. Sutherland, Chennai
  6. G.K. Info Tech, Chennai
  7. Androtech , Bangalore
  8. ODBC, Karaikudi
  9. WBC Software Solution, Karaikudi
  10. Hummingbird Academy, Pudukkottai
  11. Creative Point, Coimbatore
  12. Zoho, Madurai
  13. Jetzert, Karaikudi
  14. Amazon, Bengaluru
  15. KAIDP Technologies, Karaikudi
  16. OR Solution, Trichy
  17. Aadhiran Mithran Technology, Karaikudi.
  18. KAIDP Technologies, Karaikudi
  19. VTO Cloud Solution, Chennai
  20. Hebesec Technologies, Chennai
Events & Extension Activities
Department Events
Sl.No. Date Event Details Action
1 16th December 2023 Guest Lecture on Latest IT Trends
2 24th & 25th August, 2023 Expert Lecture Series #DCSELS 3 Cyber Forensics
3 March 30-31, 2023 International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science (RTCS-2023)
4 March 17th 2023 Expert Lecture Series #DCSELS 2 How to establish yourself in IT industry
5 28-30th September 2022 Three days workshop on Multimedia Animation and IoT (MAIOT-2022)
6 1st August, 2022 Expert Lecture Series #DCSELS 1 Ethical Hacking
7 30th March 2022 One day training programme on React Native & UI Software Framework
8 15.05.2020 16.05.2020 Webinar on Role of VR & AR Industry 4.0
9 23rd & 24th Oct 2019 International Conference on Computational Sciences (ICCS 2019)
10 19th August 2019 One day Workshop on Virtual Reality & Digital Publishing
11 17th September 2018 One Day Seminar on IoT, Virtual Reality and Soft Skill Training
12 7th September 2018 Guest Lecture on Big Data Methodologies
Student Support Activities
S. No. Date Event details Organized by Report Link
1 28th March 2024 Alumni Meeting ALUCSAA
2 25th March 2024 Parents Teachers Meeting Parents Teachers Association
3 20.01.2023 Parents Teachers Meeting Parents Teachers Association
4 20th January 2023 Alumni Meeting ALUCSAA
5 12th October 2022 Expert Lecture on Mobile Application Development ALUCSSA
6 30th May 2022 Alumni Meeting ALUCSAA
7 12th March 2022 Parents Teachers Meeting Parents Teachers Association
Extension Activities
S. No. Date Event details Organized by Report Link
1 08th Mar 2024 Women's Day Celebration Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
2 12th Jan 2024 Pongal Celebration Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
3 28th Feb 2024 National Science Day Celebration Faculty of Science, Alagappa University View/ Download
4 20th and 21st February 2024 Technova 2k24 ALUCSSA View/ Download
5 22nd December 2023 Medicinal drink distribution to students Students Welfare Club View/ Download
6 21st December 2023 Humanitarian support to Thiruchendur / Thoothukudi Flood relief through NSS Department Students Council View/ Download
7 27th – 29th October 2023 Village Extension Programme at Palavangudi Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
8 10-12th March 2023 Village Extension Programme @ O.Siruvayal Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
9 March 2023 Women's Day Celebration Women Empowerment Club View/ Download
10 28th Feb 2023 National Science Day Celebration Faculty of Science, Alagappa University View/ Download
11 27th and 28th October 2022 TECHNOVA 2K22 ALUCSSA View/ Download
12 March 2022 Women's Day Celebration Women Empowerment Club View/ Download
13 March 2021 Women's Day Celebration Women Empowerment Club View/ Download
14 March 2020 Women's Day Celebration Women Empowerment Club View/ Download
15 20-22nd September 2019 Village Extension Programme @ Pillaiyarpatti & Variravanpatti Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
16 8th March 2019 Women's Day Celebration Women Empowerment Club View/ Download
17 11-13 October 2018 Village Extension Programme @ O.Siruvayal Dept. of CS, Alagappa University View/ Download
18 21st July 2018 Humanitarian Support to Kerala-Flood Relief Department Students Council View/ Download
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