Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors
About the Department

In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific innovation, the realms of bioelectronics and biosensors stand at the forefront of interdisciplinary exploration, where the convergence of biology, electronics, and materials science is revolutionizing our approach to healthcare, environmental monitoring, and beyond. Bioelectronics and biosensors represent an exciting frontier where traditional boundaries between biology and technology are blurred, opening up new possibilities for diagnostics, therapeutics, and personalized medicine.

Bioelectronics involves the integration of biological components with electronic systems to create novel devices capable of sensing, monitoring, and even modulating biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels. On the other hand, biosensors are analytical devices that detect and convert biological signals into measurable outputs, providing valuable information about physiological parameters, disease biomarkers, environmental pollutants, and more.

The synergy between bioelectronics and biosensors has led to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare, including wearable devices for continuous health monitoring, implantable sensors for early disease detection, and point-of-care diagnostic platforms for rapid testing in resource-limited settings. Moreover, these technologies have implications beyond healthcare, with applications in environmental monitoring, food safety, agriculture, and biodefense. Thus, the emerging fields of bioelectronics and biosensors hold immense promise for shaping the future of healthcare, environmental stewardship, and beyond.

Realizing the importance of these interdisciplinary subjects, Alagappa University has established an exclusive department for the study of Bioelectronics and Biosensors in the year 2008. The Department offers a two-year PG programme in Materials Science and Ph.D. programmes in the fields of materials science, and bioelectronics and biosensors.


  1. To provide quality education in the interdisciplinary areas of bioelectronics, biosensors, nanotechnology, materials science, and electronics.
  2. To provide advanced training in design and fabrication of chemo-biosensors that can be applied towards the study of molecular, cellular, and whole organism levels.
  3. To develop new diagnostic and prognostic systems for health care industries, food industries, environmental assessment and internal security services.


  1. To develop conceptual and analytical skills among students for the critical evaluation of the scientific literature in the field of bioelectronics & biosensors.
  2. To train the students in planning and execution of a tailored research project of high standard as well as presentation skills for verbal reports.
  3. To promote the academic and industrial collaborations to produce indigenous products of national and global interest.

The Department of BEBS has a distinguished record in both teaching and research. The faculty members have excellent academic record and research credentials and have experience working in the prestigious international laboratories in Japan, Germany, South Korea, Taiwan and Italy. Faculty members are currently involved in carrying out research in the areas of materials science, electrochemical sensors, gas sensors, and biosensors for biomedical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, food and environmental applications.


Contact Us
  1. Dr. C. Sekar

  2. Senior Professor and Head, Chairperson
  3. Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. C. Sekar

Senior Professor and Head, Chairperson



Dr. V. Dharuman

Associate Professor


Dr. J. Wilson

Associate Professor


Dr. S. Saravanakumar

Teaching Assistant


Dr. Arul Joseph Helen Therese

Teaching Assistant

Programmes on Offer

Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.Sc. Material Science
Value Added Courses
(in PG Programme)

Biosensors For Health Care

Click Here to View

Role of Sensors in Industrialization

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Materials For Sensors

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Environmental Monitoring Sensors

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Food Sensor

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Fee Structure

The following shall be the fees payable by the candidates undergoing P.G. and Ph.D. programmes in the Department of BEBS.

No. Name of the Programme Fees in INR (for Indian Nationals) for 1 Year For foreign Nationals (in INR)  Duration of the Programme
1 M.Sc. Materials Science 1st Year 5000.00 10000.00 2 Years
2nd Year 5000.00 10000.00
2 Ph.D. Materials Science 1st Year 16500.00 $ 500 per Year 3-4 Years
Annual fee from 2nd Year Onwards 7500.00
2 Ph.D. Bioelectronics and Biosensors 1st Year 16500.00 $ 500 per Year 3-4 Years
Annual fee from 2nd Year Onwards 7500.00
Research & Development Facilities

The Department currently has the following facilities for research and development activities.

  1. Electrochemical Work Station – Single Channel –CHI USA
  2. UV-Vis Spectrophotometer; Evolution 201, Thermo Scientific
  3. Water Purification System; QGARD00R1, Milli pore
  4. Programmable Spin Coating System; SPIN NXG-P1, Apex equipments
  5. Electrochemical Work Station – Single Channel –CHI USA
  6. Electrochemical Quartz Crystal microbalance –CHI USA
  7. Electrochemical Work Station – Multi Channel – CHI USA
  8. Electrochemical Work Station – Single Channel – CHI USA
  9. Electrochemical Work Station – Single Channel – CHI USA
  10. Electro Chemical Work Station PGSTAT 204
  11. Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) Spectrophotometer
  12. Non-Gradient PCR; Model: 611-11586-051, Company: Eppendorf
  13. Dynamic light Scattering instruments for Nanoparticle size Analyzer
  14. High Temperature Tubular and Box type Furnaces
  15. SP-150 Potentiostat/Galvanostat Chassis
  16. SEC2000-UV/VIS spectrometer; Model: SEC2000, Company: ALS Co
  17. Spectrofluorometer; Model: FP- 8300, Company: JASCO
CHI 608 D, Company: CH Instruments
UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
SPIN NXG-P1, Apex equipments
CHI 6005 D, Company: CHI instruments
IRAffinity-1S, Company: Shimadzu
611-11586-051, Company: Eppendorf
SZ-100, Company: Horiba nanoparticle Analyzer
NC 2438, PFU 400 VB Ceramic Consultants
SP-150, Company: Biologic SAS
SEC2000, Company: ALS Co
FP- 8300, Company: JASCO
Research & Development Facilities – Home made
1. Pressure Driven Shocktube
Driver Section Length 15 cm
Driver Section Length 30 cm
Total Length 45 cm
Cylinder Diameter 2 cm
Diaphragm Thickness 2 mm
2. Homemade Chlorophyll meter
3. Homemade Glucometer

Faculty members of the Department of Bioelectronics and biosensors are engaged in research activities in various branches of nanotechnology, electrochemistry, biosensors, DNA sensors and polymer-based materials. We have established collaboration with a few national labs and several international laboratories for research collaboration and student/faculty exchange. Attempts are being made to involve industries for fabrication of devices.

Areas of Research
  1. Chemical Sensors-Biosensors for Medical, Agricultural, Food and Environmental Applications
  2. Materials Science, Metal oxide semiconductors, Carbon nanostructures, Biomaterials, Low dimensional cuprates, Conducting polymers
  3. Electrochemical sensors – Diabetic, cancer (DNA sensors, immunosensors) and neurological disorders-Sensors development using self assembled monolayers, metal oxide, nano carbons
Ph.D. Scholars on role
S. No. Name Registration No. / Contact Research Supervisor Photo Title of the Thesis-Tentative
1 Mr. G. Veerapandi R20162059/2018-19,, 8098097815 Dr. C. Sekar Nanostructured Ca2CuO3 and CaCu2O3 for Multiplexed Electrochemical Sensors and Supercapacitor Applications.
2 Mr. Liu Zhqoqi R20162040/2018-19, Dr. C. Sekar Preparation of Nanomaterials and Development of Gas Sensors.
3 Mr. C. Arul R20162196/2019-20,, 8667728313 Dr. C. Seka Nanostructured Metal Oxides Based Biosensors for Health and Environmental Applications.
4 Ms. Ammu Kripalal R20162293/2019-20,, 9037251106 Dr. C. Sekar Nanostructure Based Electrochemical Sensor for Biomedical Applications.
5 Mr. S.B. Mayil Vealan R20162307/2020-21,, 8344584747 Dr. C. Sekar Metal Oxide Based Biosensors for Clinical Diagnostics and Environmental Applications.
6 Ms. S. Meenakshi R20162308/2019-20,, 7010965445 Dr. C. Sekar Development of Iron Oxide Based Nanomaterials for Biosensor Application.
7 Mr. T. Thenrajan R20162351/2020-21,, 7708578880 Dr. J. Wilson Selective and Synergetic Detection of Biomolecules Using Biopolymer Based Sensor Platform.
8 Ms. S. Girija R20162355/2020-21,, 8667075178 Dr. J. Wilson Synthesis and Characterization of Metal/Metal Oxide Based Nanocomposite for Sensor Application.
9 Mr. Y. Allwin Richard R20162357/2020-21,, 7598819620 Dr. V. Dharuman Investigation of Metal oxides and Biomolecules Interaction for Biosensing.
10 Mr. Ravi Maddula R20162461/2020-21,, 8500782998 Dr. C. Sekar Detection of Neuro Chemicals with Improved Sensitivity and Selectivity for Biomedical Applications.
11 Ms. Aniu Lincy R20162506/2021-22,, 9789378907 Dr. V. Dharuman Supported Cell Membrance for Biomolecular Sensing.
12 Ms. P. Archana R20162606/2021-22,, 6380182442 Dr. C. Sekar Fabrication of Carbon Quantum Dots based Fluorescent Sensor for Environmental and Agricultural Applications.
Ongoing Research Projects
Sl.No. Principal Investigator Project Title Duration Funding Agency Amount Rs. (In Lakhs)
1 Dr. C. Sekar Microstructurally Engineered Nanocrystalline Calcium Phosphates for Biosensing Applications 2021 - 2024 IUAC 5.29
2 Dr. C. Sekar Development of Cost-effective Portable Chemical Sensors for Seafood Quality Management 2021- 2024 DST- Indo Srilanka Joint Project 32.43
3 Dr. C. Sekar An Electrochemical Sensor for Early Non-Invasive diagnosis of Hepatic Disorders 2023- 2025 EIC Hub of RUSA 2.0 20.00
4 Dr. V. Dharuman Cost effective renewable diabetic sensor for hone and personal care 2023 EIC Hub of RUSA 2.0 14.55
5 Dr. J. Wilson Temporary Tattoo based electrochemical for Health Care 2023 EIC Hub of RUSA 2.0 20.00
Total Rs. 92.27
Completed Projects
Sl.No. Principal Investigator Project Title Duration Funding Agency Amount Rs. (In Lakhs)
1 Dr. C. Sekar Synthesis of WO3 and TiO2 nanomaterials and fabrication of gas sensors 2011- 2014 UGC 10.30
2 Dr. C. Sekar Effect of irradiation on the metal oxide semiconducting nanostructures for biosensor applications 2011- 2014 IUAC 5.40
3 Dr. C. Sekar Fabrication and characterization of nanohydroxyapatite-CNT composites for biomedical applications 2012 - 2015 CSIR 18.42
4 Dr. V. Dharuman Multi Component Thiol alkane Diluent DNA Mixed Monolayers for Efficient Label Free Electrochemical Detection of Cancer DNA–P53 Protein interaction 2009 - 2011 UGC 9.80
5 Dr. V. Dharuman Development of Electrochemical immunosensors for simultaneous detections and discriminations of different food pathogenic bacteria microbes on microgold arrays 2010 - 2013 CSIR 18.16
6 Dr. V. Dharuman Liposome mediated cancer DNA sensing of electrochemical and pizeo electric techniques and DNA transfection studies 2010 - 2014 DST 25.44
7 Dr. V. Dharuman Electrochemical Detection of Antibody Prostate Specific Antigen Interactions Using Gold Transducers 2010 - 2011 AURF 0.64
8 Dr. V. Dharuman Development of Simple, Reagentless, Renewable Glucose Sensors Using Nano Ruthenium oxide- nono pore Polymer – Nano Au Composite Films 2013 - 2016 ICMR 32.79
9 Dr. J. Wilson Application of RuO2 nanoparticle Doped conducting polymer(Poly- Pyrrole-polyaniline) composite for DNA sensor 2009 - 2012 UGC 10.21
10 Dr. J. Wilson Doping of RuO2 nanoparticle-chitin Polyaniline composite for DNA Sensors 2009- 2010 Alagappa University 0.64
11 Dr. C. Sekar Development of Nanostructured SnO2 – Graphene Composite based biosensors for neurotransmitter sensing 2015 - 2018 DST-SERB 49.00
12 Dr. V. Dharuman Studies of membrane proteins interactions on liposome-DNA-gold nanoparticle composite tethered on gold transducer for biosensing 2015- 2018 DST-SERB 44.70
13 Dr. V. Dharuman Development of novel graphene and metal nano composite films and characterization for label free electrochemical DNA-protein sensing 2015- 2018 UGC-MRP 14.69
14 Dr. J. Wilson EB irradiated polypyrrole–polyaniline nanotubes doped with bimetallic nanoparticles for biomolecules sensing using microarray electrodes 2015 - 2018 BRNS 14.70
15 Dr. J. Wilson Fabrication and characterization of irradiated Polypyrrole-polyaniline (PPy-PANi) nanotubes doped with bimetallic nanoparticles 2015- 2018 UGC 10.50
16 Dr. J. Wilson Irradiation of polypyrrole – Poly (3,4 ethylene di oxythiophene) (PPY - PEDOT) nanotubes doped with bimetallic nanoparticles for biomolecular sensing using micro electrode 2015- 2018 DST 30.46
17 Dr. C. Sekar Design and Development of Chemo-resistive Gas Sensors for Breath Analysis 2016 - 2018 UGC –Innovative Project 30.00
18 Dr. C. Sekar
Dr.K. Gurunathan
Nanosensors for Medical Diagnostics 2016 - 2017 Alagappa University-Research Fund 3.00
19 Dr. C. Sekar Multiplexed Array of electrodes for electrochemical determination of cardiac biomarkers 2018 - 2021 CSIR 20.25
20 Dr. C. Sekar Development of Foliar Diagnostic Kit for On-site Detection of Nitrogen and Moisture Status in Crops 2019- 2022 DST/TDT/DDP 4.63
21 Dr. V. Dharuman Capacity Building strategies for sustainable health, food and environment 2021-2023 STRIDE, Alagappa University 3.00
Total Rs. 356.73
Recent Publications
Sl.No. Authors/ Title / Journal Name Impact factor
1 G. Veerapandi, S. Meenakshi, S. Anitta, C. Arul, P. Ashokkumar, C. Sekar. Precise and quick detection of ascorbic acid and eugenol in fruits, pharmaceuticals and medicinal herbs using hydroxyapatite-titanium dioxide nanocomposite-based electrode. Food Chemistry, (2022): 382, 132251. 8.8
2 C. Arul, K .Moulaee, N. Donato, D. Iannazzo, N. Lavanya , G. Neri, C. Sekar. Temperature modulated Cu-MOF based gas sensor with dual selectivity to acetone and NO2 at low operating temperatures Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 329 (2021); 129053. 8.4
3 AC. Anithaa, K. Asokan, N. Lavanya, C. Sekar. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide immobilized tungsten trioxide nanoparticles for simultaneous sensing of norepinephrine, melatonin and nicotine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 143 (2019) 111598. 12.6
4 N. Lavanya, JN Claude, C. Sekar. Electrochemical determination of purine and pyrimidine bases using copper doped CeO2 nanoparticles, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 530 (2018) 202-211. 9.9
5 V. Sudha, V. Duraisamy, N. Arumugam, A. I. Almansour, T. Xiaoteng Liu, V. Dharuman. S.M. Senthil Kumar Ultrasensitive Dopamine Detection at Co3O4-Anchored N-Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 6(14) (2023) 13013-13026. 5.9
6 S. Aniu Lincy, Y. Allwin Richard, T. Vinitha, K. Balamurugan, V. Dharuman. Streptavidin Fe2O3-gold nanoparticles functionalized theranostic liposome for antibiotic resistant bacteria and biotin sensing, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 219 (2023) 114849 12.6
7 K. P. Divya, R. Karthikeyan, B. Sinduja, A. Anancia Grace, S. Abraham John, J. H. Hahn, V. Dharuman. Carbon dots stabilized silver–lipid nano hybrids for sensitive label free DNA detection, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 133, (2019) 48-54. 12.6
8 T. Thenrajan, S. Sam Sankar, Subrata Kundu, J. Wilson. Novel electrochemical sensing of catechins in raw green tea extract via a trimetallic zeolitic imidazolate fibrous framework. ACS omega 7, 23 (2022): 19754-19763. 4.1
9 D. Nathiya, J. Wilson, K. Gurunathan. Interactive studies on synthetic nanopolymer decorated with edible biopolymer and its selective electrochemical determination of L-tyrosine. Scientific reports 9, 1 (2019): 13287. 4.6
10 R. Ramya, P. Muthukumaran, J. Wilson. Electron beam-irradiated polypyrrole decorated with Bovine serum albumin pores: Simultaneous determination of epinephrine and L-tyrosine. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 108 (2018): 53-61. 12.6
Patent Details
Sl.No. Title Authors Status Grant / Application No. Date of grant / Published
1 Electrochemical Determination Of Para-Amino Hippuric Acid And Uric Acid Biomarkers Chinnathambi Sekar,
Solomon Anitta,
Nehru Lavanya
Granted 453570 21/09/2023
2 Electrochemical Sensor For Detection Of Biomolecules Chinnathambi Sekar,
Ganesan Veerapandi,
Nehru Lavanya
Granted 456482 04/10/2023
3 Cacu2o3 Based Electrode And Implementations Thereof Ganesan Veerapandi,
Chinnathambi Sekar
Published 202141036180 09/02/2024
4 Method For The Preparation Of Ca-Cqds For Electrochemical Sensing Of Epicatechin Ponnuchamy Kumar
Chinmay Nanda,
Jeyaraj Wilson
Published 202341046447 01/09/2023
Research Collaborations
Sl.No. Institute / University Period
1 University of Messina 2016-2019
2 Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore 2017-2020
3 Sri Lanka Technological University, Sri Lanka 2024-2027
National Institutes
Anna University, Chennai Bharathidasan University, Trichy
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi
Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi Madras University, Chennai
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai Periyar University, Salem
PSGR Krishnammal College for Women Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur
Saveetha University, Chennai St. Peters University, Chennai
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore The Gandhigram Rural Institute
Thiyagaraja College, Madurai -
International Institutes
IFW, Dresden-Germany Inha University, Incheon, South Korea
Jeju National University, South Korea Jeonbuk National University, Republic of Korea
Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea Shizuoka University, Japan
Tangshan Polytechnic College, China University of Messina, Italy
University of Sfax, Tunisia
Star Alumni

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan

Supervising Professor

President of Jeonbuk National University, South Korea

I have done my Ph.D., studies (2009-2014) in the department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, Alagappa University under the Guidance of Dr. J. Wilson. During my studies, I have learned materials fabrication, especially conducting polymers as a sensing platform for the electrochemical DNA hybridization biosensors. Apart from that I have learned various types of electrodes preparation based on nanomaterials such as metal oxides, polymer composites, and carbon materials for electrochemical biosensor applications.

Shankaranarayanan Jeyaraman

Plant Head

Accurex Biomedical, Mumbai

My Experience in the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Alagappa University. I did both my Master’s and PhD from the same department from 2008 to 2014. My time at the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Alagappa University was an incredibly rewarding experience. The department provided a stimulating and supportive environment that fostered not only academic growth but also professional development. The department offered a wide range of research opportunities, allowing me to delve into the field of Bioelectronics and Biosensors. The access to state-of-the-art facilities further enhanced my research experience. The department faculty are highly respected researchers who are at the forefront of their fields. Their passion for research was contagious, and their guidance proved invaluable during my Master's and PhD studies. The department fostered a collaborative environment where students and faculty could freely exchange ideas and work together on projects. This collaborative spirit not only enriched my learning but also helped me develop strong teamwork skills. I was fortunate to work with 2 different projects i.e. Glucose biosensor and DNA biosensor during my time at the department. This is really helping me out throughout my entire career post PhD and more specifically in my current position where I head an entire factory that manufactures Glucometer and Glucose test Strips. Under the Guidance of Dr. V. Dharuman, our team has published journals in more than 5 highly reputed international manuscripts. The knowledge and skills I gained during my time at the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors have been instrumental in shaping my career path. I am incredibly grateful for the strong foundation provided by the department and its exceptional faculty.

Dr. Lavanya Nehru

Specialist -Drug Safety and Medical Information

Scientific Affairs, Bayshore Specialty RX, Canada

I am Lavanya Nehru, currently employed as a Drug Safety and Medical Information Scientist in Canada. I had the privilege of pursuing my PhD at the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Alagappa University. My time at this esteemed institution was not only academically enriching but also personally fulfilling. At the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors, I had an opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research projects (funded by UGC, CSIR, DST and CSIR-RA) under the guidance of Prof. C Sekar and other experienced faculty members. The department's focus on interdisciplinary research allowed me to explore various facets of biosensors, gaining insights into their applications in diverse fields such as healthcare, food safety, environmental monitoring and biotechnology. Moreover, the collaborative environment at Alagappa University fostered interdisciplinary interactions allowing me to visit the Prof Giovanni Neri’s Laboratory, University of Messina, Italy in multiple times and also engage with experts from diverse fields. This interdisciplinary approach not only broadened my perspective but also encouraged innovative thinking and problem-solving. In addition to research activities, I actively participated in seminars, workshops and conferences both as an attendee and a presenter. These experiences not only enhanced my communication and presentation skills but also provided me with opportunities to network with peers and experts in the field. As an outcome, I have published 33 articles in peer-reviewed journals, co-ownership of two patents and authored two book chapters, also presented the research findings in 23 national and international conferences. Overall, my learning at the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Alagappa University was instrumental in shaping my academic and professional journey. The knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during my PhD have been invaluable assets in my career as a Drug Safety and Medical Information Scientist, empowering me to contribute meaningfully to the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals.

Dr. N. Sudhan

Assistant Professor

Thiagarajar College, Madurai

After completing my postgraduate studies, I made the decision to pursue a PhD in chemistry because I wanted to study a chemistry subject that was highly interpretive and had many practical implications. But I'm not familiar with the specific steps involved in pursuing a Ph.D. My research supervisor, Prof. C. Sekar, calls me one nice day to extend an invitation to participate in the DST PURSE Project Interview. On that day, Mr. Sudhan became Dr. Sudhan in my life's career. I am grateful that I was chosen by my professor to be a Project Fellow at Alagappa University's Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors. There was a lot going on at Alagappa University, which made for an extremely interesting workplace. I was especially grateful for the opportunity to work on actual applied projects and to interact with some stunning scientists and senior professors in the biosensor department. I ultimately collaborated with academics from outside the department, which proved to be quite beneficial for me. Now that I'm trying to understand how things work, I'm going even farther in the practical path while also learning to truly value my theoretical background. It is a wonderful pleasure to see Alagappa University emphasize a thorough comprehension of the fundamentals of science and technology. My advisors assisted me in finding a job while I was completing my doctorate. I was looking into a variety of possibilities, including academics. I gained a lot of knowledge. It was a thrilling moment, and it felt good to know that I was ready for almost any scenario I could think of.The dynamic and hospitable atmosphere of the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensor's amazing research campus has truly captured my heart. Obtaining my degree was a bittersweet experience because of my eight incredible years as a Research Scholar at Alagappa University. I am grateful that my professor, Dr. C. Sekar, offered me the amazing chance to get my doctorate under his expert guidance.

Dr. K. P. Divya

Post Doctoral Fellow

Department of Chemistry, Amirtha Viswa Vidhya Peedam, Kerala

The Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors has an impressive research ecosystem, equipped with cutting-edge-facilities. I joined Dr. Dharuman’s lab in August 2015 as a research scholar. As a newcomer to the lab, specifically working on biosensors, I was embraced by the research culture of the lab. The dynamic environment nurtured an insatiable hunger for innovation and knowledge. The most valuable aspect of my experience at BEBS is the mentorship. From day one, till the end I had a supportive and knowledgeable mentor who guided me through the intricacies of fundamentals, experiments, data analysis and manuscript writing. This paved way for honing my scientific thinking and research skills. I have been fortunate to gain independence in my research work. Furthermore, the department actively encourages interdisciplinary research as the members are from diverse background. This has resulted in an intellectually stimulating environment. I also had wonderful experience in interacting with researchers of different disciplines and listening to their perspectives in a different dimension over the same topic. Such an interaction is only possible at BEBS. The HOD and faculty of the department were always encouraging and motivating. A healthy competitive environment prevails in this vibrant department. Beyond research experience, I had a profound impact on my personal growth. I will cherish the friendship earned in this department throughout my lifetime. The incredible research experience and the knowledge gained at BEBS have made me gain two post-doc fellowships within the country.

Dr. A. Anancia Grace

Assistant Professor

Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai- 602 105 India

It has been incredibly fulfilling to work on my PhD at Alagappa University's Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors. The department is home to knowledgeable faculty members that support my academic growth by providing insightful advice and criticism. With state-of-the-art research facilities at my disposal, I've been able to investigate creative research ideas and carry out tests successfully. My perspective has been expanded and I am able to tackle research challenges from multiple angles because to the interdisciplinary environment that supports collaboration across different professions. Working under my research supervisor Dr. V. Dharuman, has been an absolute privilege. His dedication to fostering intellectual curiosity, providing insightful guidance, and nurturing a supportive research environment has greatly enriched my academic journey. I am truly grateful for the mentorship and wisdom he generously shared, which have undoubtedly played a pivotal role in shaping my growth as a researcher. Frequent conferences, seminars, and workshops offer a wealth of networking opportunities that help me keep current on industry advancements and foster professional collaboration with peers. My experience has been enjoyable and gratifying because of the supportive research community that consists of researchers, staff, and other scholars.Overall, my experience at Alagappa University in the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors has been characterized by learning, growth, and opportunities for both personal and professional development. I am grateful for the resources and supportive environment provided by the university and department, which have enabled me to pursue my research goals effectively and make meaningful contributions to the field of biosensors.

Dr. Habibulla Imran

Postdoc Researcher

LANL-JBNU Engineering Institute, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea

I am Dr. Habibulla Imran, currently employed as a Postdoctoral Researcher specializing in the rapid and electrochemical detection of DNA hydroxymethylation (5hmC) in mice and human samples at Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju, South Korea. I earned my Ph.D. and master’s degree from the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors at Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India, from 2011 to 2019, under the guidance of Dr. V. Dharuman. During this time, I learned many things from this Department's professors, and it helped for my future. Professors are friendly and create a good environment for student study and their future.

Dr P.N. Manikandan

Postdoc Researcher

Kyung Hee University, 26 Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea

I pursued my Master's degree from 2011 to 2013 in the Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors. Throughout this period, the department provided invaluable support, contributing significantly to my successful completion of the program. Subsequently, I embarked on my doctoral journey from 2013 to 2019 under the guidance of Dr. Dharuman, who served as my research supervisor in the same department. His mentorship and direction were instrumental in attaining my doctoral degree. Presently, I am honored to be serving as a postdoctoral researcher at Dongguk University, Seoul, where I continue to contribute to the field of Bioelectronics and Biosensors.

Post Doctoral Fellows-Completed
Sl. No. Name of the Student Contact Research Supervisor Photo Fellowship
1 Dr. P. Kanchana Mylapppalayam, Mattukkanur, Omalur, Salem-636401. Dr. C. Sekar UGC-Post-Doctoral Fellowship for Women
2 Dr. P. Ashok kumar Assistant Professor, PSG College Of Technology, Coimbatore,India,, 6385340079 Dr. C. Sekar RUSA-Senior Post-Doctoral Fellowship
3 Dr. K. Duraimurugan Assistant Professor, Syed Hameedha Arts and Science College, 7708446619 Dr. V. Dharuman RUSA-Post-Doctoral Fellowship
4 Dr. Sriramprabha Ramasamy Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea,, 9095013726 Dr. J. Wilson RUSA-Post-Doctoral Fellowship
5 Dr. Velayutham Sudha Forensic Science department, Mylapore, Chennai, 9345466234 Dr. V. Dharuman Dr.D.S.Kothari Post-doctoral fellow
Ph.D. Awardees (2010-2024)
Sl. No. Name of the Scholar Address/ Email id/Phone Number Research Supervisor Photo Title of the thesis
1 Dr. S. Radhakrishnan S. Radhakrishnan, S/o. P. Sivaprakasam, 117/89, Muniammankovil street, Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar Dist. – 626 117. Dr. J. Wilson Application of Conducting Polymers For0 DNA Sensors
2 Dr. K. Jayakumar K. Jayakumar S/o. K. Kumarasamy 3/86, Moliyappali Post Chittalandur (Via) Thiruchengodu (TK) Namakkal Dist. -637201 Dr. V. Dharuman Construction And Characterization Of Graphene Core-Lower Generation oly(Amidoamine) Dendrimer Gold Nanoparticle Composite For Electrochemical DNA Sensing
3 Dr. J. Shankaranarayanan J. Shankaranarayanan S/o.S. Jayaraman 21/5C Sarojini Street, Sivagangai Dr. V. Dharuman Non-Enzymatic Glucose Sensing at Ruthenium Oxide-Polymer-Nano Carbon Composites
4 Dr. M. Bhuvana M. Bhuvana D/o. C. Mohanlal 8A , Ayyamperumal nadir street, Mamsapuram (post), Srivilliputhur (TK) Dr. V. Dharuman Thered Spherical Liposome-Gold Nanopparticles On Thiol Momolayer Modified Gold Transducer For DNA Sensing
5 Dr. C. Anjalidevi C. Anjalidevi D/o. U. Chinnathambi 10/7, Vinayagar street Alagappa puram Karaikudi Sivagangai Dist. – 630 003 Dr. V. Dharuman Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing At Metal (Ruthenium, Tin, And Zirconium) Oxide Suported Gold Nanoparticles
6 Dr. N. Lavanya 3/118A, Kalipattai, Papppireddipatti, Dharmapuri-636905, Dr. C. Sekar Investigation of Nanostructured TIN Dioxide (SnO2) for Innovative Electrochemical and Gas Sensing Applications
7 Dr. C. Sumathi Dr. J. Wilson Design and Development of Novel œ –Fe2O3 Based Composites for Electrochemical Biosensing Applications.
8 Dr. P. Muthukumaran 91/45-2 Nadar Street, Singappuram, Valapady, Salem-636115, Dr. J. Wilson Development of Nanostructured Nickel and Ferrite Based Composite Materials for Electrochemical Sensor Applications
9 Dr. A.C. Anithaa T-39, Rasigamani TKC nagar, Maharajanagar, Thirunelveli, Dr. C. Sekar Engineered Tungsten Oxide Nanostructures based Electrochemical Sensors for Neuropharmacological Applications
10 Dr. N. Sudhan 64160, Shakthi street, Sivagangai-630561, Dr. C. Sekar Development of Calcium Phosphates based Biosensors for Medical and Environmental Applications
11 Dr. P.N. Manikandan 97/1/75(56)4 V.P Nagar, Emaneshwaram post, Paramakudi, 9344179693 Dr. V. Dharuman Non-enzymatic Diagnosis of Diabetes Jaundice and Neurological Diseases Using Metal Oxide Polymer Hybrid Electrodes
12 Dr. H. Imran No 7. Vairavan Ambalam Street, Kalanivasal, Karaikudi, 8508056181 Dr. V. Dharuman Graphene –Gold Nanoparticle – Liposome Composite for Label Free Electrochemical DNA and Dopamine Sensing.
13 Dr. K. P. Divya Dr. V. Dharuman Label Free DNA and Protein Sensing at Lipid Bilayer- Nanoparticle Tethered on Thiol Manolayers
14 A. Anancia Grace Dr. V. Dharuman Titanium Dioxide –Medal (Mn,W, Sn,Gd) Oxide –Graphene Composite Modified Electrodes for Electrochemical Sensing of Neuro and Pharmaceutical Chemicals.
15 S. Lokeswara Reddy S/O, Bala Gangi Reddy, 1/67, Velpula village Vemula mandal YSR Kadappa - 516349 Kadappa District Andra Pradesh 8179876757 Dr. C. Sekar Transition Metal Ions Doped MgNi2O3 Nanoparticles for Chemo-Biosensor Applications.
16 P.Thivya Pethanenthal, Puduvayal, Karaikudi-630003, 9629735496 Dr. J. Wilson Nanostructured Conducting Polymer Biocomposites for Electrochemical Detection of Biomolecules.
17 R. Ramya K.M. House, Kalanivasal, Keelanilai, Thirumayam, Pudukkottai, 7708527659 Dr. J. Wilson Polymer- Nanomaterial Composites for Biomolecules and Pollutants Sensing
18 D. Nathiya 829, Thullukuttypalayam, Thandramprt taluk, Thiruvannamalai-636707, Nathiyad725@gmail 9597847998 Dr. J. Wilson Design and Fabrication of Electrochemical Sensors based on Polymer – Nanoparticles Composites and Extended Gate Field Effect Transistors
19 S. Anitta D/O, Salaman Devadoss Deepak Nursing Home Thambattipuram Madurai 9003687081 Dr. C. Sekar Nanostructured hydroxyapatite based Electrochemical Sensors for Biomedical and Food Applications
M.Sc., Students Passed Out
2021 - 2023
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Afshan Type 2/8 Customs Quarters, D Block, Bharathinagar, Ramanathapuram, 623503,, 9443249510
2 M. Anandha Kumar 890,Hospital Road, PoolankuruchiSivagangaDist- 630405, Tamilnadu,, 757540270714
3 A. Karthika 791, kilamadam, Thenkarai, Thirupathur taluk Sivaganga Dt. 630207,, 9345591611
4 S. Karthika 2/774, South Street, Thirukostiyur, Sivaganga Dt. 630210,, 9344142780
5 M. Madhu Malar 3/3161, Kannan Kovil Street, Pattinamkathan, Ramanathapuram. 623503,, 6383526993
6 R. Maheswaran 72c, Muthuppatti, SivagangaiTauluk, Arasani, MuthupattiSivagangai Dt. 630561,, 7639033045
7 K. Mathesvaran 40/18A, Vadakkuththeru, Puduppatti, TirupathurSivagangaDist- 630211, Tamilnadu,,7639033045
8 V. Naveenkumar 14A/1,Sasthri Street, Anupparpalayam, Tirupur, 641652, 8608812645
9 M. Priyadharshini 7/1, Annai Nagar, Thiruvetriyur, ThiruvadanaiRamanathapuram Dist. 623407,, 7339178701
10 V. Rajathiyammal 243, South street, Thuvar village, Thuvar post Tirupathur taluk, 630405,, 6374549421
11 K. Ramya 1/27, m pudhur post, m pudhur, thiruppathur thaluk Sivagangai Dt. 630210,, 7639035517
12 K. Sakthi 900/3, Sullangudi , Tirukoshtiyur, Sivagangai dt. 630210,, 9003533614
13 R. Saravanakumar 2/1,puduvakkottai (p), aranthangi (tk), pudukkottai (dt), 614616 saravanask2511@,.com 7871720629
14 S. Shruthi 22, kandaramanikkam, thiruppathur taluk, perichikovil, Sivagangai dt. 630204,8220748206
15 K. Sneka 828, Melauraniveethi, thiruppaththur taluk, kandavarayanpatti, Sivagangai Dt. 630203,, 8524867418
16 R. Swathi periyakozhikaraippatti, puduvayal post, karaikuditk 630108,, 7339662747
17 S. Vinothkumar 2/716E, Sethuramasamypillai Street, Thirupathur, Sivagangai Dist. 630211,, 6379989713
18 V. Yamunadevi 392, Thiruvalluvar street , Rajapalayam, VIRUDHUNAGAR PIN-626117,, 6382423608
19 J. Yuvaraj 10, Eswaran illam, Arumugam nagar 5th street water tank , Karaikudi,, 9344371840
2019 - 2021
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 M. Aarthi Mangalanadu (E) & (PO) Aranthangi (Tk), Pudukkottai (Dt)- 614805,, 8270295750
2 K. Agarkar 1641, PothaiyankudiyiruppuManamelkudi (PO) (Tk), Pdukkottai (Dt),, 9942259983
3 T. Bavani 5/110B, Pathakkara Street Kattumavadi,,9578688582
4 P. Bhuvaneshwari 2/14B, Avinipatti (PO), Thiruppathur (Tk), Sivagangai (Dt)-630205,, 9943582287
5 R. Dhivya 83-Middle Street, Soorakkudi -630101,, 9626941680
6 K. Janakirajan 1/16, Main Road, Mannangadu (PO), Pattukkottai (Tk),,7824993297
7 V. Keerthi 4/75 AKV House, Near Dina rice mill,Aranthangi,, 8903190543
8 S. Nivetha West Chetty ViduthyMullankurichi (Post), Karambakkudi (Tk), Mullankurichi, Pudukkottai,,7094341250
9 P. Raguraman 1, Mariamman Kovil Street Kurinchipadi, Cuddalore,,9385370276
10 M. Sakthivel D.No. 39/3, Bharathi Nagar, Kalappakadu, Aranthangi (TK), Pudukkottai Dist. PIN.614616,7826847118
11 S. Sellam 2/16A, Sivalangudi, Valaramanikkam (P)-622202,, 7639874793
12 P. Shanmathi Puliyur, Vellayapuram(PO), Thiruvadanai (Tk), Ramanathapuram(Dt),, 9488461485
13 M. Swedha 98/7, 8th cross street, Rathinam nagar, Theni,, 9159642651
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 P. Anbarasi 635, Anna Nagar, S.V.Mangalam, S.V. Mangalam (Post), Thirupputhur (TK),SivagangaiDist,,7639667055
2 K. Anitharaj 502-B Block Zinnia Enclave Apartment near GSB Sabbha, Kodical, Mangalore 575006,, 6379217384
3 N. Bhagyalakshmi D.No.1/128, Lakshmi Nagar Near Railway station, Karaikudi – 630003, SivagangaDist,, 8098871452
4 S. Dharini D.No.45, Railway Feedor Road, Palaniappa Arch Street, Karaikudi – 630003, SivagangaDist,, 8098542156
5 D. Esther Alanga 17,GH Quaters, R.S Road, Perundurai, Erode Dist. 638052,,9788880757
6 K R. Gnaneswaran A-1 IHFD Flats, North Street, Thiruvilandur, Mayiladuthurai, Nagai Dist 609001,,7010454925
7 K. Jayakrishnan 426, West Street, Thirunallur (Post), Orathanadu (TK), Thanjavur (Dist) 614626,, 9566854907
8 R. Jebasheeba D.No. 444 Crown Nagar, Kundrakudi Road, Patharakudi, Karaikudi - 630 307, 9751479370
9 K. Jeyasri No.222, Thiyagarajan Building VOC Road, Karaikudi -630 001, jeyasrikannan20@gmailcom, 9486944437
10 K. Jeyavalli 5/84-4 West Street, Thoppadaipattipudukkottai post, Kamuthi Taluk, Ramanathapuram Dist. 623603,, 7708349297
11 V. Kannathal 419/6A, Venkateswara Illam, Chinna Thoppu Street, Thiruppathur, SivagangaDist – 630211,, 7094743153
12 A. Kavi Bharathi 43, Main Street, Chairman Rathinam Nagar, Unjampatti, Theni Post, Theni Dist -625531,, 6379167396
13 K. Kowsalya 19, Cellam Chetti Oorani, Karaikudi-630001, SivagangaDist,, 9789288609
14 V. Lalitha 857, Lalitha Illam, Thirupathur Main Road, Kundrakudi,, 9003848321
15 S. Luena Stephy No.771, North Street, Ariyakudi Post, Karaikudi-630 202, SivagangaDist,, 9994724770
16 V. Meenurasi 6/9, ThiyurAdampur Post, Avudaiyar Kovil (TK), Pudukottai Dist-614629,, 8098201131
17 C. Nanthini Chinna Unjanai, Unjanai Post, Devakottai TK, Sivagangai Dist-630202,, 8940371309
18 S. Nivedha No.45, Railway Feedor Road, Palaniyappa Arch Street, Karaikudi, SivagangaDist – 630003,, 8940371309
19 M. Rajalakshmi 23, Jeevanantham street, Kalavaipottal, Karaikudi -630 003, SivagangaDist,, 9751970615
20 S P. Rajathi D.No. 3 244, PrgathambalpuramAlangudi Taluka, Kothakottai, Pudukkottai Dist,, 9751470188
21 S. Sangeetha 197/2, SukkanenthalJeyankondan (Post), Karaikudi (TK), SivagangaDist - 630 108,, 8270898502
22 J. Sherlin Plot No. 59, Sundaram Nagar, 3rd Steet, Muthiapuram, Tuticorin -628005,, 9629849205
23 S. Sindhumathi Maruthupatti, Muraiyur (Post), Singampunari (TK),Sivaganga Dist. 630501,, 9047311492
2017 - 2019
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 J. Agalya 27/26 Thillai Nagar Ram Nagar, Devakottai -630 302,SivagangaiDist,, 9442589351
2 K. Alagumeenal No.26/6, Veluchamy Compound, N.S.K. Street, Annanagar, Karaikudi -630001,, 9385946042
3 K. Angaleshwari D.No. 7/14, East Street, Pappakudi, Thoruvaloor (post), Ramanathapuram Dist. 623530, 9786152454
4 A. Anna Daisy No.1/394, Kathi Nagar, DevakootaiRastha, Karaikudi -630 005, SivagangaiDist, 6382024043
5 S. Antony Francy 2/54, Paravar Street, Muthupattai , Ramanathapuram -623523,, 9514395754
6 M. Bhuvaneshwari 1/982, 9th Street, Nesavalar Colony, Managiri Post -630307, SivagangaiDist,, 9486414409
7 T. Bhuvaneshwari 3/197, Vairavapuram, 4th Street cross CECRI post, Karaikudi -630 006, SivagangaiDist,, 7708203379
8 K. Deepika 42/1, AmuthaKuoousamy Illam, Pudumarket Street, Ariyalur, Ariyalur Taluk- 621 704,, 9159736706
9 G. Gayathri No.9, Alagar samy Street, Chinnapulliyampatti, Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar -626 101,, 9629487584
10 P. Kamatchi 12, Maruthupandiar Nagar, 100feet Road, Karaikudi-630001, SivagangaiDist,, 9786764646
11 S. Kavitha 2/579, ThirumalaI Avenue, Ponnagar, Alagappapuram, Karaikudi-630003, SivagangaDist,, 9600411827
12 S. Lokesh Amith 23A, Maravar Street, Manamadurai-630606, SivagangaDist,, 9944049027
13 M. Madhubala A. Karunkulam, Karunkulam Post, Vetriyur Vali-630321, SivagangaDist,, 9003913304
14 M. Maha Viveka 2/82A, Middle Street, Nagaraikathan, Thiruvadanai -TK, Ramnad Dist-623404,, 8754134140
15 S.B. Mayil Vealan 55C/95, Balamurugan Street, Ponmani Main Road, Madurai-625016, Madurai Dist,, 8344584747
16 S. Meenakshi No.1, Kamban Manimandabam backside, 1st Street , Karaikudi -630001, SivagangaDist,, 8870711402
17 C. Pandi Keerthika 91, East Street, PalacombaiAuntipatti, Theni Dist.625512,, 7868934270
18 C. Priyanka Udhayam Digital Studio, Guziliamparai, Vedasandur (T.K.)-624703, DindigulDist, 9444774203
19 J. Ragavi Durga 1/649-3, Bharathinagar, 5th street, Ramanathapuram -623503, RamanathapuramDist,, 7339367541
20 V. Rasipriya 594, Keelatheru, Koviloor(Post), Karaikudi (TK)-630 307, SivagangaDist,, 9715387102
21 C. Sagunthalapriya 159, Chinna devapattu, pilar (Post), Kallal, Karaikudi (TK) -630 305, SivagangaDist,, 9626596286
22 V. Salini 705, Thiru Vikraman Nagar, IOB Opposite Amaravathi pudur, Karaikudi-630301,, 8489194168
23 R. Sathyapriya 2/180, Thethampatti, Kanadukathan Post, Thirumayam (TK), Pudukkottai Dist,, 8489985041
24 J. Shini No.30, Pappa Oorani (South), Natchuliyandal, Karaikudi - 630 001, SivagangaDist,, 8870397422
25 A. Subbulakshmi 2/348, K.Thulavur, Koratti Post, Kundrakudi (Via)- 630 206, SivagangaDist,, 9597921031
26 R. Suguna 10-72, Puranithanpatti, Nerkuppai (Post), Thiruppathur (TK)-630405, SivagangaDist,, 8940835749
27 C. Sujitha No.13, NGGO Colony, Kalanivasal, Karaikudi -630 002, SivagangaDist,, 9789789520
28 B. Thenmozhi 3/177, Illaiyangudi, Thiruvadanai (TK), Thiraiyathur (Post), Ramanathapuram (Dist) 623 407,, 9080227921
29 T. Thenrajan 76B, Poobalrayerpuram, 6th Street, Tuticorin,, 7708578880
30 K. Vaishali 3/75, Bajanamada Street, Achampathu, Madurai-625019,, 7094220019
2016 - 2018
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Akilandeswari 7/4 West Street, Thandalakudi, Mukilthagam Post, Ramnad Dist., 9677657967
2 S. Athithyathirumala 3/207 Agastian Compound, Vairavapuram 3rd Street CECRI Post , Karaikudi -630 006, 8508510614
3 K. Banupriya 249, Manikkarambai, siruvatichi, Kannankudi (Post), Devakottai, 9626373231
4 M. Indhu 650, Lavanya Garden, Illupakudi Post, Karaikudi, 7373362816
5 M. Indumathi 9/23, Olaikudipatti (Village), Thirumayam (Post), Pudukkottai (Dist), 9698282563
6 N. Malathi 78B Trichy Main Road, Lakshmi Theater (opp.) Kottaiyur, Karaikudi (TK), Sivagangai (Dist), 9865137644
7 P. Nanthini No.5, Alagappan 2nd Street Kalanivasal, Karaikudi,, 9943920054
8 R. Rajakumari 1372, Bharathi Nagar Ariyakudi, Karaikudi (Taluk), Sivagangai (Dist),, 8508573093
9 R. Rajeswari 2/38, Oothukeni Stret, Thirumayam (TK), Pudukkottai (Dist),, 8825699854
10 S. Ramalakshmi No.20/2, Jeeva Nagar 2nd Street, Kalanivasal, Karaikudi,, 9715946826
11 G. Ramya Poosanikadu, Peerkalaikadu (Post), Sivagangai Dist. , 8056696711
12 S. Ramya No.799, North Street, Ariyakudi -630 202,, 9842618104
13 K. Sangeetha 2/374, East street Kulappadi, Sakkavayal (Post), Puduvayal (Via), Karaikudi (TK), Sivaganga (Dist),, 9952172271
14 S. Selvapriya No.11 Chinnakarupparkovil Street, Kandanur Post, Palaiur,, 8754144190
15 A. Shobana 306, North Street, Mangalam Vengalore (Post), Devakottai (Taluk), Sivagangai (Dist), 8883829383,
16 T. Sugumaran 2/233, Katchanatham, Maranadu (Post), Thiruppachethi (Via), Manamdurai (TK), SivagangaiDist -630 606, 8110046176
17 S. Vidhya 28, Ellaimunisvararkovil Street, Kalavoipottal, Karaikudi, 8508360286
2015 - 2017
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Karthiga D.No285, kamarajst.Kurunthampattu (post) Kallal (via)sivagangai (Dist) -630 305, 9894292029
2 P. Madhumitha D.No. 167/14 , Periyarkealmealst. Annanagar, Karaikudi-630 002, sivaganga (Dist), 9965196352
3 S. Maharani D. No.55/1, M.Pudur (post), Thiruppathur (TK), Thirukoshtiyur (via) Sivagangai (Dist)- 630 210, 7094352282
4 R. Uthamsingh D.No.1/75, Kamala Nehru Nagar, Emaneswaram (Post), Paramakudi (TK), Ramanathapuram (Dist)- 623 701, 8220823069
5 A. Vincila D.No. 84/6, Soodamanipuram North, 6th st. 100ft. Road, Karaikudi - 630 003, 9787880087
2015 - 2017
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 M. Jayalakshmi Thondikkolai (Vettanur) Post Aranthangi (TK) Pudukkottai (Dist) PIN - 614630 9751372007
2 Jean Cladu Nizeyimana Rwanda, Africa
3 S. Kaviya 5/63 Kalathur (Post) Pattukkottai (Taluk) Thanjavur (Dist) PIN - 614804, 8870409262
4 M. Menaga Thottamangalam Kalkkathakudi(Post) Thiruvadanai (TK) Ramnad (Dist) PIN - 623 407, 9751805554
2013 - 2015
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 R. Jayakodi R. Jayakodi D/o. S. Rayappan Puthukottai,Sathanoor (Post),Salaigramam (via) Sivagangai dist. – 630 710, 7373694661
2 R. Madhavi R. Madhavi D/o. A. Rajendran 7-316/S Sigappiillam Karaikal Ammaiyar Street Kottaiyur, Sriram Nagar Sivaganga Dist.-630 103., 8489632090
3 SP.Muthulakshmi SP.Muthulakshmi D/o. KR.Subbiah Karupparkovil street Palaiyur, Kandanur post, Sivaganga Dist.- 630 104, 9566936916
4 S. Saranya S. Saranya D/o. K. Solaivelathan 5, Perumal Kovil Street Kottaiyur (Post), Sivanga Dist. -630 106., 8489992754
2012 - 2014
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 C. Alagudevi C. Alagudevi D/o. A.R. Chellaknnu 1090, Sannathi Street Ariyakudi – 630 202, Sivaganga Dist., Mobile No:9710047995
2 J. Issakkirani J. Issakkirani D/o. R. Jesudoss 2/1942, JPR Illam Vallal Alagappa Nagar ThanthaiPeriyar Nagar 19th Street extn. Near Air Cell Tower Karaikudi – 630 001., Mobile No.9442525122
3 R. Malarmani R. Malarmani D/o. R.S. Ravichandran 2/1, Srinivasan Nagar Railway Track downstair Ariyakudi -630 202, Sivaganga Dist., Mobile No.8220506743
4 S. Priya S. Priya D/o. V. Sevukapperumal Karur post, Yenthavayal – 622 202 Thirumayam (TK), Pudukkodai Dist., Mobile No:7659152561
5 R. Ramya R. Ramya D/o. N. Rajendren K.M. House, Kalanivasal,Pudupatti -622 202 Thirumayam (TK), Pudukkodai Dist., 7708527659
6 P. Thivya P. Thivya D/o. D. Paneer Selvam 5, Ganesapuram New Market south, Karaikudi – 630 001 Sivaganga Dist., Mobile No.9629735496
2011 - 2013
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Akila S. Akila D/o. A. Sundara Pandian 128A Kazhanivasal New Road Devarmaligai (opp), Karaikudi – 630 003
2 Aynsha.S. Mathias Aynsha S. Mathias S/o. 7/62- B N.M. Bhvan Kotlicode, Kumarapuram post Kanyakumari Dist. - 629189 Mobile No.9789966831
3 G. Britto G. Britto S/o. A. George Parampan Karai, Kaithakattu (Via) Irenipuram post, PIN- 629 197 , 9025492570, 9655720488
4 K. Ganapathy K. Ganapathy S/o. K. Karuppiah D. No. 6, Pilliyar Kovil North Street, Sekkalai- 2 Karaikudi – 630 002 Mobile No: 9500914491
5 H. Imran H. Imran S/o. A. Habibulla 81, Vairavan ambalam Ist Cross Street Kalinivasal, Karaikudi – 630 002, Mobile No: 8508056181
6 D. John Vinu D. John Vinu S/o. P. Devaraj 5/51 MuthenthivilaiEttani, Karungal post Kanyakumari Dist. – 629 157, Mobile No: 9715918287
7 M. Karthika Devi M. Karthika Devi D/o. SP. Muthuraj 6, Subramaniyapuram 5th Street South, Karaikudi
8 P.N. Manikandan P.N. Manikandan S/o. P.R. Nagarajan 97/1/75 (56)4 VP Nagar, Emaneswaram post Paramakudi – T.K. Ramanathapuram – 623 701, Mobile No.9344179693
9 K. Rajakumar K. Rajakumar S/o. S. Kutty Nadar Adappuvilai, Kalkurichy Thuckalay post, Kanyakumari – 629 175, Mobile No.9677735285
10 R. Vairam R. Vairam S/o. V. Ravichandran 56, Vairam Medicals KayeeraPlaza,College Road Karaikudi -630 002, Mobile No.9994477180
11 M. Vavasikkandar M. Vavasikkandar S/o. Meera maiden 2/11, Raja Tea Stall back side Madhavan Nagar Kalanivasal,NewRoad,Karaikudi – 630 001, Mobile No. 8012016374
2010 - 2012
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Akila S. Akila D/o. A. Sundara Pandian 128A Kazhanivasal New Road Devarmaligai (opp), Karaikudi – 630 003
1 S. Jayanthi S. Jayanthi D/o. A. Singaraj Managiri (Via), Pathrakudi (Post) Sivaganga Dist. Mobile No: 9715721073
2 SP. Manjuladevi SP. Manjuladevi D/o. AR. Subbiah Unaiyur, Unaiyur (Post) Thirumayam (TK), Pudukkottai (Dist) – 622 505 Mobile No. 9751182953
3 M. Muthumari M. Muthumari D/o. SK. Murugan Murungipatti, Pilar (post), Kallal (Via), Sivaganga (Dist) Mobile No. 9944092076
4 K. Nanthini K. Nanthini D/o. AL. Kalimuthu Mettuppati Gandhi Nagar Alangudi (Post), Karaikudi (TK), SivagangaDist – 630 101. Mobile No: 9751004629
5 Nisha susan Thomas Nisha susan Thomas D/o. Koshy Thomas Naduvathu House, Makkapuzha (post) Mannamaruthy Ranny Pathanamthitta (Dist) Kerala – 689 676 E.Mail: Nishasusanthomas@ , 9562950895
6 M. Reka M7. Reka D/o. V. Manickam Gandhi Nagar, Attangudi Sivaganga (Dist) – 630101 Mobile No: 9942316859
7 M. Rohit nair M. Rohit nair S/o. S. Madhusoodanan Pillai Padipura Veedu, Cheriyauelinaloor (Post) Karinganoor (Via), Oyoor Kollam (Dist), Kerala Mobile No. 09496820007, E.Mail.
8 M. Umadevi M. Umadevi D/o. C. Muniraj Sivagami Achi Illam, D.No. 368, Nethaji Street Amaravathipudur, Karaikudi – 630 301. 9095167534
2009 - 2011
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 R. Dhilipkumar R. Dhilipkumar S/o.Rajaiah 1/154, North Street Devipattinam (Post), Ramnad (Dist), 9894774237
2 S. Gayathri S. Gayathri D/o. A. Selvaraj 84, Thilagar Street, Kandanur Sivaganga (Dist) - 630104
3 S. Muthulakshmi S. Muthulakshmi D/o. SP. Sornam Satharasanpatty (Post) Natarajapuram (Via), Sivaganga (Dist)
4 M. Raja M. Raja S/o. G. Muniyandi No.1 S.R.G. New Street, Ramnad – 623 501.
5 P. Saranya P. Saranya D/o. M. Pandi RSU Telephone Exchange Quarters, collectorate post, Ramnad – 623 501
6 V. Vijayakumar V. Vijayakumar S/o. V. Veerapandi 1/167, Melavalasai Kanchirankudi (post) Kilakarai, Ramnad (Dist)- 623 517
2008 - 2010
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 M. Bhuvana M. Bhuvana D/o. C. Mohanlal 8A , Ayyamperumal nadir street, Mamsapuram (post), Srivilliputhur (TK)
2 T. Dinakaran T. Dinakaran S/o. C. Thirumalai 45, KollaiVeedugal Melnagar (post), Arni, Thiruvannamalai (Dist) E-mail:
3 J. Shankaranarayanan J. Shankaranarayanan S/o.S. Jayaraman 21/5C Sarojini Street, Sivagangai
4 K. Vijayaraj K. Vijayaraj S/o. M. Kathiresan Kalaivayendal Nagaran (post) Nainarkovil (Via) Ramnad (Dist) E-mail:
5 J. Mary JoshiyaPraseela J. Mary JoshiyaPraseela D/o. V. Josepath Saint Agatha Street, Thothoor (post) Kanyakumari (Dist)
M.Phil. Scholars Passed Out
2013 - 2014
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 S. Jayanthi S. Jayanthi D/o. A. Singaraj Managiri (Via) Pathrakudi (Post) Sivaganga Dist. Mobile No: 9715721073
2 K. Nanthini K. Nanthini D/o. AL. Kalimuthu Mettuppati Gandhi Nagar Alangudi (Post) Karaikudi (TK) SivagangaDist – 630 101. Mobile No: 9751004629
2014 - 2015
Sl.No Name of the Student Address / Email ID / Phone Number
1 M. Umadevi M. Umadevi D/o. C. Muniraj Sivagami Achi Illam D.No. 368, Nethaji Street Amaravathipudur Karaikudi – 630 301. 90951675349095167534
2 R. Vinothkumar R. Vinothkumar S/o. A. Ponnusamy Selavadai (Post) Jalakanta puram (Via) Omalur (TK), Salem - 636501 8870200844.
Student Council
Academic Year : 2023 - 2024
Sl.No Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 Mr. G. Sankarakanna II Year President
2 Mr. S. Vaenkatanathan I Year Vice - President
3 Mr. M. Selvaraj I Year Secretary
4 Mr. P. Niranjana I Year Join - Secretary
5 Mr. M. Pragathi II Year EC Member
6 Mr. B. Keerthika I Year EC Member
7 Mr. T. Thenrajan Ph.D. EC Member
8 Mr. Y. Allwin Richard Ph.D. EC Member
9 Mr. S.B. Mayil Vealan Ph.D. EC Member

Acadamic Club (2022-23)

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Cultural Club (2022-23)

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Environmental club (2022-23)

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M.Sc, Graduates Placed
Sl.No Name of the Student Year of Passing Company / Organization Contact / Mail Id
1 Maheswaran R 2021-23 HDFC Bank, Chennai. 7639033045
2 Yuvaraj J 2021-23 Troikaa Pharamedical Ltd, Chennai. 9344371840
3 Sakthi K 2021-23 Dvara Kshetriya Gramin Financial Services Pvt Ltd, Sivagangai. 9003533614
4 Swathi R 2021-23 Cognizant Technology Solutions India Pvt Ltd, Chennai. 7339662747
5 Rajathiyammal V 2021-23 The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai. 6374549421
6 Mathesvaran K 2021-23 MRSP Bhavani & Co, Karaikudi. 7639033045
7 Saravanakumar R 2021-23 TVS Credit Services Ltd, Mellur, Madurai. 7871720629
8 Shruthi S 2021-23 Sethu Bhaskara Agricultural College and Research Foundation, Visalayankottai, Karaikudi. 8220748206
9 Dhivya R 2019-21 Malar Finance, Periyar Statue, Karaikudi 9626941680
10 Raguraman P 2019-21 AGS Health Care, Taramani, Chennai. 9385370276
11 Agarkar K 2019-21 BMR industries pvt ltd, Andhra Pradesh. 9942259983
12 Anitharaj K 2018-20 Oxford Hospital, London. 6379217384
13 Agalya J 2017-19 Sri Sarada Niketan College for Women Amaravathipudur, Karaikudi Taluk. 9442589351
14 Suguna R 2017-19 AVM public Matriculation Hr.Sec. School, Sevvoor. 8940835749
15 Uthamsingh R 2015-17 Vaelammaal International School, Chennai. 8220823069
Details of Ph.D. Scholars Placed
Sl.No Name of the Student Year of Passing Placement Contact / Mail Id
1 Dr. C. Anjalidevi 2010-15 Councilor ward 17, Karaikudi Municipality.
2 Dr. J. Sankaranarayan 2010-15 Accurex Biomedical, Mumbai 7904883930
3 Dr. N. Lavanya 2012-17 Bayshore speciality Rx, Canada. +1(437)2301388
4 Dr. P. Muthukumaran 2013-18 Chiang Mai University, Thailand. 8825947181
5 Dr. N. Sudhan 2013-19 Thiagarajar College, Madurai. 9578149052
6 Dr. PN. Manikandan 2014-19 Kyung Hee University, South Korea. 9344179693
7 Dr. H. Imran 2014-19 LANL-JBNU Engineering Institute, Jeonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Republic of Korea. 8508056181
8 Dr. K.P. Divya 2015-19 Bharathiar Cancer Theranostics Research Centre, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. 9789673696
9 Dr. A. Anancia Grace 2018-22 Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. 9597219964
10 Dr. P.Thivya 2015-23 Vidhyagiri arts and science college, Pudhuvayal. 8838319984
11 Dr. R. Ramya 2015-23 Vidhyagiri arts and science college, Pudhuvayal. 7708527659
12 Dr. S. Anitta 2018-23 Rev.Jacob Memorial Christian College, Dindigul. 9003687081
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