Instruments have revolutionized how we look at the world and extended the range of our senses. The development of the modern scientific method and its emphasis on testable hypotheses required the ability to make quantitative and ever more accurate measurements. Instrumentation has often been cited as the pacing factor of research; the productivity of researchers is only as great as the tools they have available to observe, measure, and do research. Cutting-edge instruments not only enable new discoveries but help to make the production of knowledge more efficient. Many newly developed instruments are important because they enable us to explore phenomena with more precision and speed. Advanced tools enable scientists to answer increasingly complex questions, and new findings in turn enable the development of more powerful and sometimes novel instruments.
University Science Instrumentation Centre (USIC) was created with the objective to uplift the quality of research in basic as well as applied field of sciences. Under the leadership of the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor Prof. G.Ravi, the USIC is taking consistent initiative to maximize the use of expensive/sophisticated equipments in the University through training and maintaining the equipments at the state of the art level. Further, this advanced facility is also being extended to the research fraternity from nearby Institutions at a very affordable cost.
Requisition Form for Analysis |
Sr. Professor and Head, Dept. of Physics
School of Physical Sciences
Alagappa University,
Email: /
Associate Professor,
Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors
School of Physical Sciences
Alagappa University,
Mobile: 9865679897
Associate Professor,
Department of Bioelectronics and Biosensors
School of Physical Sciences
Alagappa University,
Mobile: 9488260016
Instrumental Facilities
At present the following instrumental facilities are provided by the USIC.
Sl.No. | Instrument Details | |
1 | Atomic Force Microscope (Agilent 5100, USA) It is a high-resolution system that provides excellent imaging capabilities at atomic-scale resolution as well as direct video access to the scan area. It is ideal for polymer, general surface characterization and materials applications. Large Multi Purpose Scanner Range 90µm x 90µm, Z range 8µm, Vertical noise 0.5Å RMS and small scanner range 9µm x 9µm, Z range 2µm, Vertical noise <0.2Å RMS and sample plate size 4mm x 4mm. |
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2 | Vibrating Sample Magentometer (Cryogenic, UK) Temperature range : RT - 4K Vibrator Frequency: 20Hz Sample Size: 5mm Magnetic Field: 3T Accuracy and Reproducibility : 0.5% Noise Level: 2x 10-6 emu/Hz |
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3 | Micro-Laser Raman (Seiki, Japan) The Raman microscope can offer a powerful non-destructive and non-contact method of sample analysis. The true confocal mapping performance /imaging are of the highest definition and resolution. The sophisticated software and hardware enables fast and accurate Raman images to be obtained routinely. |
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4 | Powder X-Ray Diffractometer (X’ Pert Pro – PAnalytic) The system offers an affordable solution for high-throughput, high-quality phase identification and quantification. |
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5 | FE-SEM with EDAX (Quanta FEG 250) The Quanta FEG‐250 SEM instrument is an environmental Scanning Electron Microscope used for high‐resolution imaging and composition analysis by energy dispersive X‐ray microanalysis (EDS). The FEG column in Quanta 250 allows beam deceleration, which permits to achieve a resolution of 1.4 nm even at 1 kV electron landing voltage. The Quanta equipment can work under three different pressure ranges, the maximum pressure being 2600 Pa. This permits observation of life‐sciences samples without previous metallic coating, i.e., studies in environmental conditions (ESEM). |
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6 | MALDI TOF-TOF Spectrometer (Axima) MALDI is the abbreviation for "Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption /Ionization." The sample for MALDI is uniformly mixed in a large quantity of matrix. The matrix absorbs the ultraviolet light (nitrogen laser light, wavelength 337 nm) and converts it to heat energy. A small part of the matrix (down to 100 nm from the top outer surface) heats rapidly (in several nano seconds) and is vaporized, together with the sample. The time of ion flight differs according to the mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) value of the ion under applied constant potential. The method of mass spectrometry that exploits this phenomenon is called Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. |
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7 | Real time PCR Real-time PCR permits the analysis of the biological products while the reaction is actually in progress. |
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8 | Confocal Microscope-LSM 710(Carl Zeiss) Visualization of high resolution images of biological samples. |
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9 | AKTA – Protein Purifier (GE Healthcare Life Sciences) AKTA has outstanding ability to purify virtually any biomolecule and can handle the simplest and the toughest of challenges. The platform covers all major chromatographic and cross flow filtration techniques from the research laboratory (0.001ml/min-25ml/min.) to process development and manufacturing (0.01ml/min – 150ml/min). ÄKTA systems are operated by the intelligent and scalable UNICORN software, which makes it easy to control pH, conductivity, multiple wavelength detection, multiple sample injection and multi-step purification. |
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10 | JEOL-2100+ High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope Accelerating Voltage: 200kV Resolution: Point : 0.194nm, Lattice : 0.14nm, 5-axis eucentric goniometer stage, Specimen Tilt: ±60° , SAED, Tomography, STEM, BF and DF images. |
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11 | PHI - VERSAPROBE III – X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Monochromatic X-ray Beam (15µm), X-ray beam induced secondary electron imaging and chemical state imaging, Large/Micro area and Angle dependent XPS with depth profiling and Bulk, thin and powder samples can be done. |
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Solar Cell Simulator (Keithley-4200SES) |
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13 | CHNS/O Elemental Analyser The modern "cube" platform is setting the standards for elemental analyzers. Less than 1 mg sample can be analyzed just as precise as 500 mg sample. Volatile gasoline or temperature-proof silicon carbide can be analyzed just like coal, foodstuff or sewage sludge - without restriction of the elements, simultaneously for CHNS or for the combinations CNS, CHN, CN, O and Cl. |
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14 | 500MHz Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectrometer - Bruker NMR is more helpful in the determination of molecular structure of samples from physics, chemistry and biology. It also provides information about the chemical reaction mechanism and the position of the chemical species. 3D images can be constructed. |
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15 | HT-Powder X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) with HTK 1200N – Bruker D8 Advance Reveals the internal atomic arrangement of the solid materials either in bulk or thin films form. It also provides the information regarding the chemical composition, lattice strain and texture. Sample temperature RT-1100°C. |
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