It is a annual process of identifying condemned electronics such as Computers, Printers, Copier machines, other gadgets from each Departments/Centres and other units of the University. After compiling all details, these E-wastes are disposed through Tender / Action process annually.
Fuel free solid waste disposal system is based on a recent innovative technology which requires no additional fuel. It is the perfect solution for solid waste management and waste to energy and heat conversion. Fuel free solid waste dispenser is a commercially manufactured one to easily manage municipal waste, waste from small scale units and industries, auditorium and educational institutions. It helps dispose-off the solid waste easily with no fuel requirement. The by product is ash which can be used as fertilizer or for making ash based light weight bricks. It is highly compact, portable and easy to handle. Fuel free solid waste dispenser is recently installed in the Science Campus of Alagappa University for effective disposal of solid waste such as laboratory microbiological and other biological wastes from experiments. Fuel free solid waste dispenser helps to regularly clean the lab wastes and avoid further contamination to the laboratory and environments. Perhaps, this solid waste dispenser helps to prevent environmental pollution that arises due to persistence of solid waste.
Alagappa University team (Industry and Consultancy, Department of Physics, Department of Microbiology and the in-house industry of Alagappa University Galaxy Research Technology) has developed a technology to treat the sewage and produce green hydrogen. This team has developed Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) at Karaikudi Municipality with a capacity of 20,000 litres. And also, a 10,000-litres sewage Treatment Plant has been housed at the Science Campus of Alagappa University. This innovative hybrid system can produce continuous hydrogen from wastewater. A patent will be applied soon.
An innovative discipline of vermiculture, the breeding and propagation of earthworms and the use of its castings has become an important tool of waste recycling. Management of solid waste has become one of the biggest problems and the vermicomposting is the better option to tackle with this problem. Vermicomposting is the process of conversion of organic wastes by earthworms to valuable humus like material which is used as a natural soil conditioner. Vermicomposting is environment friendly and cost effective technique for solid waste management. Vermicomposting serves two main purposes for the welfare of humans as it helps in the degradation of solid waste and the cast produced during this process is used as a natural fertilizer.
The following are the reasons and advantages in vermiculture.
With above mentioned applications that the Department of Animal Health and Management has established and maintaining the Aquatic Animals Rearing Unit and Vermiculture Unit for the benefit of researchers and public uses.
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