Swami Vivekananda Centre for Higher Research and Education was established in the University during the year 2013. By conducting awareness and research programmes it aims at disseminating the vibrant messages of Swami Vivekananda.
Since its inception the Centre has been propagating the ideals of Swami Vivekananda and inculcating the spirit of self-confidence, perseverance, patriotism, equality, peace, tolerance, universal brotherhood etc., among the students of the University, Affiliated Colleges and Schools in Sivagangai and Ramanathapuram Districts.
The Centre motivates the students on Vivekananda’s fundamental principles of imparting life-building, man-making and character-building skills through education, research and extension. It has formed teams of volunteers named “Vivekananda Cadet Corps” (VVC) in the University Departments and Affiliated Colleges in order to sensitise and teach Vivekananda’s mission of service and sacrifice to the youth and the public.
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