The Department of Education established in the year 1986 has been imparting teacher -education to provide knowledgeable and conscientious teaching community for taking up the noble profession of teaching. While serving, it has been striving to maintain quality by adopting national priorities. Since its establishment, the department has been ascending to greater heights through its commitment, and competent work. It is a matter of pride that this department has so far produced more than 400 Ph.D. holders and completed more than 100 research projects. The department has been acting as a nodal agency to implement the projects of the SSA, RMSA, SCERT, and MHRD. It uses funds obtained from the UGC, ICSSR, BVLF Netherlands, DST and other international and national funding agencies for executing research projects. Doctoral and Post-doctoral scholars are pursuing their research in the department with the UGC-fellowship, National fellowship and University fellowships. The thrust areas of research in the department include cognitive science, teacher-education, constructivism, science process skills, inclusive education, educational technology, environmental education, instructional techniques etc.
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
The Department of Education is currently carrying out research in the areas of educational technology, teacher-education, constructivism, environmental education, instructional techniques, etc. Besides, the Department undertakes studies on socially relevant contemporary issues in the domain of teacher- education.
The Alumni of the Department serve as ambassadors for their alma mater. Their success in the professional world positively reflects on the department and influences its reputation and ranking. Alumni actively engage themselves in the department functions that happen at the campus. Every year they attend the Alumni Meet organized by the Department and offer their valuable suggestions for the development and progress of the Department
The Student Council in the Department of Education officially represents all the students in the department. The council is dedicated to identify and help solve the problems, if any, encountered by students in the department and university. It advocates for students’ welfare and communicates its opinion to the administration on any subject concerning students’ welfare. It not only acts as a democratic forum for students to voice their views, but also gives the department its valuable feedback when planning for the future. It functions with a President, Vice-Presidents, and Members and has to execute specific tasks such as coordination, feedback collection, event planning, alumni engagement, support for internship, and participation in curricular and co-curricular activities. The council endeavors to ensure the holistic development and well-being of the students in the department.
Placement Cell in the Department of Education functioning effectively helps students to get placements in educational institutions. It also provides right guidance and support to the students to select the right institutions for their career growth. The Cell conducts a number of training programmes to enhance the employability of students. It conducts placement programmes every year for the final year students by inviting the management of schools and colleges for fulfilling their recruitment needs.
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