Department of Fine Arts
About the Department

The Department of Fine Arts was established in 2016, having evolved from the Centre for Fine Arts initiated in 2011. In a remarkably short period since its inception, it has diligently pursued the five-fold objectives of Higher Education known as "PEARL" (Pedagogy, Extension, Application, Research, and Learning).

Offering a diverse range of programs including Undergraduate, Postgraduate,Doctoral Research, and Diploma programs, the Department caters to students from Tamil Nadu, various states of India, and foreign countries such as Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. Moreover, it has introduced innovative avenues for honing Digital Painting skills through a well-equipped studio. Notably, the Department has successfully attracted students from Botswana and other foreign countries, a testament to its global appeal.

Staffed by highly qualified, competent, and extensively trained faculty members who excel in their respective fields, the Department employs modern pedagogical techniques to enhance students' skills. It boasts a well-equipped library and a state-of-the art computerized studio. Workshops, seminars, art exhibitions, cultural tours, museum visits, and training programs are seamlessly integrated into the learning experience for students and scholars alike.


  1. Implementing cutting-edge teaching methodologies to inspire creativity, critical thinking, and artistic expression among students.
  2. Extending the reach of fine arts education beyond the classroom through outreach programs, exhibitions, and collaborations with local communities.
  3. Ensuring efficient management and administration of resources to support the growth and development of fine arts education.
  4. Encouraging faculty and students to engage in innovative research that advances the understanding and practice of fine arts.


  1. Empowering students with the knowledge, skills, and artistic proficiency needed to excel in their chosen fields within the fine arts.
  2. Fostering a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement among students, encouraging them to use their artistic talents for the betterment of society.
  3. Integrating emerging technologies and digital tools into fine arts education to prepare students for the challenges of a rapidly evolving creative landscape.
  4. Promoting environmental sustainability and conservation through artistic expression and engagement with ecological issues.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. S. SenthamizhPavai

  2. Professor and Head i/c
  3. Department of Fine Arts
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

Dr. S.Senthamizh Pavai

Professor and Head i/c



Mr. G. Vijaymaniyan

Teaching Assistant


Dr. M. Tamilarasan

Teaching Assistant


Dr. M. Kannadasan

Teaching Assistant


Mr. V. Arasakumaran

Teaching Assistant


Mrs. MU. Yazhini

Teaching Assistant


Mr. G. Munnadiyappan

Teaching Assistant


Mrs. A. Sona Nachammai

Teaching Assistant

Programmes on Offer

Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGMFA Painting
2UGB.F.A., Painting
3DiplomaD.F.A., Drawing and Painting
Value Added Courses

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Effective Communication and Soft Skills

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Tamil for Comptetive Examination

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Fees Structure
Programme Name Programme Fees (Rs.)
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) First Year Total Fee 9500
Second Year Total Fee 8200
Third year Total Fee 8200
Fourth year Total Fee 8200
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) First Year Total Fee 5500
Second Year Total Fee 4200
Diploma in Fine Arts (DFA) First Year Total Fee 3500
Bachelor of Fine Arts

+2 Pass

Master of Fine Arts
Equivalent UG Pass

Diploma in Fine Arts

+2 Pass

  1. Internet facility to make students and staff update the knowledge and recent innovations
  2. Musical Lab facility to give realistic knowledge.
  3. Smart Class room facility for active listening.
  4. Traditional Learning for Bharthanatyam.
  5. Department Library
Department of Fine Arts Campus
Department Library
Computer Lab
Textile Studio
Smart Class
Students Locker

The Department of Fine Arts has successfully produced One Doctoral Degree holders who have conducted extensive research in various areas of Dance and Music. Currently, 5 scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. research. The department has completed 1 Special research projects, which have resulted in ground breaking findings and publications, widely recognized and cited. Furthermore, the Department has 1 ongoing research projects.

Ph.D. Candidates List
Sl.No. Research Scholar Research Supervisor Status
1 Mrs. Thilagavathi Dr. MS. Sarala Submitted
2 Mrs. Sumathi Dr. MS. Sarala On Going
3 Mrs. Nirupa Dr. MS. Sarala Awarded
4 Mrs. Ramya Dr. MS. Sarala Submitted
5 Mrs. Kavitha Dr. MS. Sarala On Going
6 Mrs. Muthumari Dr. MS. Sarala On Going
7 Mr. Thiyagarajan Dr. MS. Sarala On Going
8 Mrs. Rekha Dr. MS. Sarala On Going
On Going Project
Principal Investigator Project Title Funding Agency Project Period Total
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Dr. S. Senthamizh pavai Documentation of National & Regional Dance & Music and Digital Reconstruction RUSA 2.0 September 2018 to Till Date 30
Completed Project
Principal Investigator Researcher Project Title Funding Agency Project Period Total
(Rs. in Lakhs)
Dr. S. Senthamizh pavai B. Thiyagarajan A Special Research Project Report on Unsung Freedom Fighters in the Composite Ramanathapuram District Submitted to Raj Bhavan, Tamil Nadu RUSA 2.0 2024 1
Research Award – International / National / Regional

  1. Received Ayvu Sudar Viruthu, Presented by Mathavi Ilakiya Mandram, Singapore
  2. Received Dr. Radhakrishnan Award, presented by Kumararani Meena Muthaiya Kalai Mattrum Ariviyal Kalluri & Pudhuvai Tamil Sangam. 2020.
  3. Received Womens’ Day Award, presented by Rotary Club, Karaikudi.
  4. Received Tholkapiyar Viruthu presented by Ilakuvanar Ilakkiya Peravai. Chennai.

Fellowships for Scholars
Sl.No. Scholarship / Fellowship Members
2 RUSA 2
3 AURF 1
Total 4

Summary on the MoU signed between Department of Fine Arts, Alagappa University, India & Department & Kalai Kaviri College of Fine Arts. Tiruchirappalli
Objective of the MoU

The main aim of this MoU agreement is to work together in order to scale up and enhance the quality of the Bani of the different types of classical dances and technical improvement in presenting it for the societal cause and augmentation of capacities of both the institutions at National and International level.

  1. Exchange of students and faculty members for research discussion, deliberation and carry out the cultural activities and research works.
  2. Jointly organizing the International and National Conferences / Workshops / Seminars and festivals on performing arts.
  3. Consultation on measures towards quality improvement and quality sustenance.
  4. Exchange / Access of Academic publication, information, library facilities and research resources with the prior approval of the authorities concerned.
  5. Collaborative activities in recognition of needs.
  6. Arrange for Short-term training programmes for teachers and students to each other’s.
Activities of the MoU Undertaken

The following activities were undertaken after the MoU agreement signed:

  1. Both Parties shall discuss the issues involved to mutual satisfaction and enter into specific activity – agreements, based on the forms of implementation mutually agreed upon.
Duration of the MoU: 2016-2019 (3 Years)
Outcomes of the MoU

The MoU led to numerous productive outcomes, with some of them being published in prestigious journals. As a result, various events were organized as stipulated in the agreement.

  1. One – Day Workshop on “Contribution of Nayika and Nayika Pathams” Was jointly organized by the Department of Fine Arts, Alagappa University, Karaikudi and Kalai Kaveri College of Fine Arts, Thiruchirapalli on 13th February 2019 at the Mini Auditorium of Vallal Alagppa Museaum.
  2. A Two – Day International Conference on “Performing Arts and Fine Arts – Challenges and Prospects Today”, was organized by the Department of Fine Arts, Alagappa University, in collaboration with Kalai Kaveri College of Fine Arts, Tiruchurappali on March 05th & 06th
Sl.No Photo Details
1 Dr. T. R. Gurumoorthy,,
Senior Professor & Head,
Department of Commerce,
Alagappa Universtiy, Karaikudi.
2 B. Thiyagarajan,
Music Director,
Heartbeats Music School,
3 M. Ganesh,
Classical Dancer,
SGN institute of Bharathanatyam,
Singampunari to Tirupattur.
4 Mrs. S. Aandhi,
Music Tutor,
SaReGaMaPaDhaNe Music School,
5 G. Munnadiyappan,
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Fine Arts,
Alagappa Universtiy, Karaikudi.
6 G. Priyanka,
Junior Graphic Designer,
BA Tech,
7 M. Kaviya Bharathi, ,
School Teacher,
Alagappa Academy,
8 J. Ruban, ,
School Teacher,
Student Council
Sl.No. Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 PK. Deivasigamani MEA II Year President
2 A. Jani Raja BFA IV Year Vice - President
3 K. Narayana Kumar BFA III Year Secretary
4 N. Ram Alamelu BFA II Year Joint - Secretary
5 T. Sharmila BFA II Year E C Member
6 S. Suba Sri BFA II Year E C Member
7 P. Jansi BFA II Year E C Member
8 S. Nithisha BFA I Year E C Member
9 N. Santhosh BFA I Year E C Member

The department has a good track record of placing students in various organizations over the years. The university has a dedicated Placement Cell that provides job-oriented training to students and coordinates their career development. The Cell offers training on several aspects such as communication development, technical aptitude, general aptitude, personality development, self-confidence, and motivation, which are delivered by industry experts.

Placement Details [2018-2023]
Sl.No Course Academic Year No. Students Placed
V. R. Devi Diploma in Bharathanatyam Singapore taking class Sakthi Fine Arts
1 M.P.A. Music 2018-2019 3
2 M.P.A. Music 2019-2020 2
3 M.P.A. Music 2021-2022 3
4 M.P.A. Music 2022-2023 1
5 B.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2018-2019 5
6 B.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2019-2020 4
7 B.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2022-2023 1
8 M.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2018-2019 1
9 M.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2020-2021 4
10 M.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2021-2022 2
11 M.P.A. Bharathanatyam 2022-2023 5
12 M.F.A. Painting 2022-2023 3
13 B.F.A. Painting 2021-2022 13
14 B.F.A. Painting 2022-2023 15
Events & Extension Activities

No Data Found

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