Department of Women's Studies
About the Department

Since its establishment in 1988, the Department of Women’s Studies at our University has been dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach, recognizing "Women" as its central focus, transcending disciplinary boundaries. Our mission is to promote gender equality, empower women, and educate students through effective teaching programs and practical training. We aim to prepare students for impactful careers as social activists, service professionals, coordinators of NGO projects, feminist and social researchers, fostering a vibrant academic community dedicated to advancing gender equality and social justice.

  1. Our vision is to harness the potential resources of women for national development, reflecting a holistic approach to the nation's progress. We aspire to play an interventionist role by integrating the gender perspective into various domains, contributing to knowledge generation in policy and practice. As catalysts, we strive to promote and strengthen women's studies through teaching, research, dissemination of knowledge, and field action.
  1. Our mission entails taking proactive steps to initiate gender perspectives across various fields, serving as catalysts for change through teaching, research, knowledge dissemination, and practical interventions. We aim to empower our students to critically engage with contemporary gender issues, equipping them to navigate and contribute meaningfully to evolving discourse and information. Through our diverse offerings, including B.A. Gender Studies, postgraduate, M.Phil, and Ph.D. programs, we foster a community committed to advancing gender equality and social justice.

Our students have been placed in the |Universities in India, Leading NGOs, Hospitals, Research Organizations and also as Entrepreneurs.

The faculty members, research scholars and students of the Department of Women’s Studies have published more than 500 research papers in the reputed journals. Further, the department has organized more than 200 Conferences/ Workshops/Webinars/Special Lecture Programs, Research Methodology Courses etc.,

  1. Pioneering : The first statutory Department of Women’s Studies in a general university in India.
  2. Social Impact : Hosts a Free Legal Aid Centre for women under the State Legal Services Authority.
  3. Government Collaboration : Operates the Tamil Nadu Government Mahalir Thittam, the first university center to do so.
  4. Extensive Networking : Maintains wide-ranging connections with governmental and non-governmental organizations.
  5. Entrepreneurial Support : Designated as a NODAL HUB by the Entrepreneurship Development and Innovative Institute, Department of MSME, Govt. of Tamil Nadu.
  6. Advocacy : Hosts the GENDER CHAMPIONS CLUB, recognized by the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Ministry of Human Resource Development.
  7. Academic Publication : Publishes the Indian Journal of Women’s Studies GEM biannually, focusing on Gender, Equity & Mainstreaming.
  8. Communication : Releases an annual newsletter to keep stakeholders informed.
  9. Academic Partnership : Actively participates as an academic partner in the Future of Women International Conference organized by TIIKM since 2021.

Contact Us
  1. Dr. P. Veeramani

  2. Assistant Professor and Head i/c
  3. Department of Women's Studies
  4. Alagappa University, Karaikudi – 630003, Tamil Nadu, India.

  2. (+91) 4565 223230
  3. (+91) 4565 223231

Dr. P. Veeramani

Assistant Professor and Head i/c


Centre for Women's Studies

Dr. S. Poulpunitha

Assistant Professor


Dr. T. Murugasan

Project Associate

Adjunct Faculty

Dr. I. Sivakumar

Teaching Assistant


Dr. P. Sindhuja

Teaching Assistant


Dr. S. Geetha

Teaching Assistant


P. Venkateswari

Teaching Assistant


C. Kanimozhi

Teaching Assistant

Programmes on Offer

Sl. No. Programme Level Name of the Programmes Action
1PGM.A Gender Studies
2UGB.A., Gender Studies
3DiplomaPG Diploma in Gender Studies
Value Added Courses
(in PG Programme)

CGS2 - Go Career Ready in Gender Studies

Click Here to View

WE2 - Women and Employability

Click Here to View

Fee Structure

Name of the Programme Programme Fees (Rs.)
M.A Gender Studies Tuition Fee including Guest Lecture Fee 1000
Computer Lab Fee -
SPL Fee 2200
Other Fee 1300
Special Lecture & Industrial Visit /Camp 500
First Year Total Fee 5000
Second Year Total Fee 3700
B.A Gender Studies Tuition Fee including Guest Lecture Fee 1000
Computer Lab Fee -
SPL Fee 2200
Other Fee 1300
Special Lecture & Industrial Visit /Camp 500
First Year Total Fee 5000
Second Year Total Fee 3700
Third Year Total Fee 3700
  1. Physically Challenged candidates are exempted from the payment of Tuition fee and Special Fee.
  2. Only Tuition fee is exempted for SC/ST Candidates and all other fees to be remitted by them.
  3. Students belonging to Adi-Dravidar and Tribal Community and Adi-Dravidar students converted to Christianity are exempted from Tuition Fee as per Tamil Nadu Govt. Vide GO No.13724/SC&ST/2024-1, dated.09.02.2015.
  4. Foreign Students: Double the Tuition fee plus other fee as applicable.
  1. Smart Class Rooms
  2. Well Equipped Computer Lab
  3. 24x7 Internet Facility
  4. 24x7 Library Facility
  5. Well Equipped Library
  6. Conference Hall with LCD Projector
  7. Free Legal Counselling Centre
  8. Ethics to Check Malpractices(Plagiarism)
  9. Workstation on campus and off campus to address the challenges of research programmes.
  10. Indian Journal of Women's Studies - GEM (Gender, Equity and Mainstreaming) ISSN No.2320-6403.
  11. National Reputed Research Centre (UGC, ICSSR, NCW,NABARD and ect.)

From the inception the Department of Women's Studies has been completed around 40 researches from various fields funded by UGC, ICSSR, DST, Canara Bank, National Commission for Women, Tamilnadu Social Welfare Board, Department of women and child development, Indian Council for Child Development, AICTE, DRDA, British Council Division, Chennai and so on.

Research Facilities

  1. Improved infrastructure facilities to facilitate research
  2. 24x7 Internet Facility
  3. 24x7 Library Facility
  4. Software to check plagiarism
  5. The Department has workstation on campus & off campus to address the challenges of research programmes, because most of the researches are action oriented
  6. The Department is Nationally reputed Research Centre (UGC, ICSSR, NCW, NABARD etc.)
Consultancy Services

  1. Guide to start CWS in other Universities and Affliated Colleges
  2. Rural Training Centre,(IOB,NABARD,IB) Amaravathipudur, Karaikudi
  3. Tamilnadu Women Development Corporation ,Chennai.
  4. SHG women for financial assistance and self employment – MEDP,EDP
  5. Entrepreneurship Development Institute ,Chennai.
  6. Free legal services (From 1994) under Tamilnadu Legai Services Authority
  7. Consultancy services to NGOs/Community/Public

Ongoing Projects
Sl.No. Project Title Funding Agency Grant Sanctioned (Rs.lakh) Principal Investigator Duration
From To
1 Reproductive Health Status of Women Working in Arts and Science Universities in Tamil Nadu RUSA, Alagappa University 10.00 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2022 -
2 Evaluation study of the training programmes Conducted by Rural Training Centre (2019-21) Rual Training Centre 01.25 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2021 -
Completed Projects
Sl.No. Project Title Funding Agency Grant Sanctioned (Rs.lakh) Principal Investigator Duration
From To
1 Gender Equality- Intervention to Prevent Child Marriage in Sivagangai District UGC STRIDE Component - 1, Alagappa University 0.60 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2020 2021
2 Women Issues and Empowerment RICE, Alagappa University 02.50 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2019 2020
3 Prevalence of Screen Addiction among College Students in Sivaganga District-A Gender Analysis Study ICSSR 06.00 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2019 2020
4 Changing Social Perception on Elder Care: Realities and Responses Alagappa University Research Fund 03.00 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2018 2023
5 Health Status of Women in Tamil Nadu: Gender Analysis RUSA, MHRD 30.00 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2018 2020
6 Prevention and Control of Cybercrime Against Women and Girls: Problems, Issues and Strategies National Commission for Women, New Delhi 03.87 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2018 2019
7 Philosophy of Vivekanada Vivekanada Centre for Higher Education, Alagappa University 0.50 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2017 2023
8 Changing Social Perception on Elder Care: Realities and Responses Alagappa University Research Fund 03.00 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2017 2018
9 Evaluation Study of the Training Programs Conducted by Rural Training Centre Rural Training Centre (NABARD-Indian Bank - Indian Overseas Bank) 02.80 Prof.K.Manimekalai 2009 2017
List of Ph.D. Awardees

S.No. Name of the Candidate Research Supervisor Year of Award
1 M. Thavamani Dr.B.Regina Pappa 1999
2 P.Chengalvarayan Dr.S.Gokilavani 1999
3 K.Manimekalai Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2002
4 R.Murali Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2002
5 S.Gabriel Jelestin Dr.S.Gokilavani 2004
6 S.Vijayeswari Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2005
7 J.Dinakarial Thavamony Dr.S.Gokilavani 2006
8 S.Subha Dr.S.Gokilavani 2006
9 R.Nageswari Dr.S.Gokilavani 2006
10 C.R.Nandhini Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2007
11 K.S.Umadevi Dr.S.Gokilavani 2008
12 Mollykutty Mathew Dr.K.Manimekalai 2008
13 K.R.Sujatha Dr.S.Gokilavani 2009
14 M.Shanthi Dr.B.Dharmalingam 2010
15 R.Gunasundaram Dr.B.Dharmalingam 2011
16 H.Mohamed Saleem Dr.M.Pandi 2011
17 K.S.Sunanda Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2011
18 M.Edwin Sobitha Dr.K.Manimekalai 2011
19 P.Sritharan Dr.K.R. Murugan 2012
20 M.S.Kanagathara Dr.M.S.Sarala 2012
21 D.K.James Neil devasahayam Dr.B.Regina Pappa 2012
22 E.Thiruvalluvan Dr.K.R. Murugan 2013
23 A.S. Gayathri Dr. M. Thavamani 2013
24 G. Usha Priya Dr. M. Thavamani 2014
25 A.Somasundaram Dr.K.Manimekalai 2014
26 S.Poulpunitha Dr.K.Manimekalai 2014
27 K.R. Jayabarathy Dr. S. Sarala 2014
28 K. Valanthina Kuraizi Dr. B. Dharmalingam 2015
29 P.Lakshmi Dr. B. Dharmalingam 2015
30 Sri Vidhya Dr. S. Sarala 2015
31 Jeyaprakash Dr. B. Dharmalingam 2015
32 Jeyachandran Dr.K.R.Murugan 2015
33 V.R.Thirunavukarasu Dr. K.R.Murugan 2016
34 N. Renuka Devi Dr. M. Thavamani 2015
35 Ms.M.S.Sameem Banu Dr.K.Manimekalai 2016
36 Ms.P.Veeramani Dr.K.R.Murugan 2016
37 Raja Rajeswari.R Dr.K.R.Murugan 2018
38 S.Geetha Dr.K.Manimekalai 2021
39 Elango C.X Dr.K.R.Murugan 2021
40 P.Sinduja Dr.K.R.Murugan 2021
41 Ms.V. Vijayalakshmi Dr. B. Dharmalingam 2022
42 J.Poonkuzhali Dr.K.R.Murugan 2022
43 Elisabeth John Dr.K.Manimekalai 2022
44 C. Nirmala Dr.K.Manimekalai 2022
45 Ms. Joe Jacob Dr.K.Manimekalai 2022
46 Shemily.P.John Dr.K.R.Murugan 2023
List of Ph.D. Ongoing

S.No. Name of the Candidate Research Supervisor Year
1 M. Navin Srivatsav Prof. K.Manimekalai 2007
2 Ms. S. Sivasankari Prof. K.Manimekalai 2017
3 Mr. T. Murugesan Prof. K.Manimekalai 2020
4 J.Meenal Prof. K.Manimekalai 2022
5 Selvanathan K Dr.P.Veeramani 2019
6 Gomathi A Dr.P.Veeramani 2022
7 Gowri O.A Dr.P.Veeramani 2022
8 Valarmathi D Dr.P.Veeramani 2022

S. No. Name of Agencies / Departments involved MoUs formulated / Signed (Research/Teaching/Others) Year of MoU Signed
1 BWDA Vilupuram
  1. Students and faculties exchange to enhance the knowledge on research, extension activity and educational programs.
  2. Implementation of field level activities such as survey, research studies on social, educational, economic, environmental, legal and cultural aspects of the society.
2 Udavum karangal, Chennai
  1. To undertake programmes that impact on the lives of the most vulnerable in society.
  2. Internship Training for Students.
  3. Programmes on Women Empowerment.
3 Kamla Foundation Stockport, UK (Registered Under the British Charities Act 2011)
  1. To develop networking with international institutional bodies, understanding and sharing the best practices and research
4 Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi
  1. Knowledge sharing
  2. Preparation of teaching aids
  3. Collaboration for research and extension
  4. Prepared Teaching materials
5 FORD TRUST Karaikudi (Registered Under the Indian Trust Act 1882)
  1. Created awareness among women about the importance of political participation, sanitation and health
  2. To undertake programmes on child development, child rights, women development, leadership, water and sanitation and adolescent girl's health
6 Entrepreneurship Development & Innovation Institute, Government of Tamilnadu
  1. Top Management Meet
  2. Faculty Development Programme
  3. E-Leader Workshop
  4. National Entrepreneurship Week
  5. Four Day Camp for Students on the theme "Mission Possible: Create Entrepreneurs from Seeds"
7 Chellamuthu Trust and Research Foundation, Madurai
  1. Training on Mental Health and Counseling for Faculty Members of Colleges Affiliated to Alagappa University
8 THADCO - Govt. of Tamil Nadu
  1. Skill Training Programme to SC Women
9 Ramco Cements, Limited, Chennai
  1. Industrial Training and Research
10 University of Cambridge - UK
  1. Cambridge English Language Assessment
11 Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China
  1. Diploma ,Certificate and Degree in Dance, Music, Yoga, Culture Studies, Folk lore, Folk Music and Dance and Ayurvedic Sciences
12 MHRD, Government of India
  1. Effectively Implemented and Monitored the programme
13 Tamil Nadu Women Development Corporation, Chennai
  1. Imported the importance of entrepreneurship and skills
  1. SC/ST women Gained skill for income-generating activities

Dr. C. X. Elango

Strategy Consultant and CEO

Skills India Consultants Chennai - 600 034

It is with immense pleasure and privilege I could be a research scholar under the guideship of Dr.K.R.Murugan who introduced me to the field of intensive social research with specific reference to gender studies. The experience of being a student of Alagappa University is indeed a lifetime accomplishment aligned with multiple learning opportunities that opened up my vistas to a large horizon of a most significant academic area of Humanity. Personally concerned Head of the Department, friendly co-researchers, and ever-helpful faculties made my academic experience memorable. working with corporate sectors the learnings from the department is helping me to strategically navigate inclusivity and equanimity in my practice areas.

R. Raja Rajeswari

Research Associate

Centre for Women’s Studies, Lady Doak College, Maduarai

I would like to thank my esteemed institution and department of women's studies for shaping and gave me good exposure during my research work. The study atmosphere has enhanced my learning abilities and motivated me to do something extraordinary for the women empowerment. I thank for giving me opportunity to convey my message to the department of women's studies.

J. Poonkuzhali

Faculty & Director of Academic Affairs Office

THISDL (affiliated to Tsinghua University), Haidian, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

I came as a post graduate student in medical sociology and left the Women’s Studies Department as an expert in feminist theories and methodology. The Women’s Studies Department team took me on as a colleague, mentee and mentor, supporting and encouraging me to delve into my topic of choice and shaping my thesis and ideology over the years. Although I have graduated and earned my doctorate, I still feel a sense of belonging to the department. I wish the Department of Women's Studies all the best in its current and future endeavors to support the development of women around the world.

Dr.Joe Thomas

Assistant Professor

The Training & Placement Department, St. Thomas Institute for Science and Technology, Trivandrum

Embarking on the pursuit of a doctoral degree is often described as a transformative journey, and my experience with Alagappa University's Women's Studies Department has been nothing short of that.

From the outset, the department's commitment to creating a conducive and inclusive research environment was evident. The HOD along with all the faculty members, with their diverse expertise and unwavering support, played a pivotal role in guiding me through the intricacies of my chosen research topic. Their mentorship was instrumental in refining my research questions and methodology, ensuring that my work would contribute meaningfully to the field of women's studies

Dr. M. S. Sameem Banu

Computer/Documentation Assistant

Dept. of Women's Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli

The Dept. of Women's Studies of Alagappa University has inculcated in me the spirit of discipline and values which I am great indebted. It has taught me especially how to acclaim self identity, skill to analyze the society with gender lens and structured my thoughts. The study and the ambience from the department has given a thrust to my life and career. My study was accidental to the department, and it was only then that I realized, it was my turning point in my life to choice and career. All the credits go to the faculty members for moulding and shaping my future and for turning me to serve with dignity, integrity and justice. I am very proud being an alumni of DWSAU

Dr. V. Thirukkani

Research Associate

Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Gandhigram rural institute

It's an indeed extraordinary experience studying at women's Studies with such knowledgeable faculties, excellent education environment, culture, and all other utilities are just worth to have. Guidance and support of faculty members prepare students for each and every fights of society in terms of grooming, presentation skills, communication skills and management skills. I am glad & thankful to the institution

Dr. N. Renuka Devi

Asst. Professor

Department of Banking and Insurance Management, Ethiraj College, Chennai

I would like to thank Alagappa University for being so supportive and helping me to develop my career. I wish this institution goes on doing great stuff and help students achieve their dreams. I credit my success to the department and the experiences it has given me.

Dr. Thiruvalluvan

Technical Officer-B

Department of socio-behavioural Research, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Madurai-unit, Tamilnadu 625020

The professors are dedicated experts in their fields and share the wealth of their enormous experience, reality and wisdom. They are talented, committed and genuinely caring; their talent for sharing their expertise and experience was a treat. The department clearly go to great lengths to make their students' environment comfortable and well-equipped to focus on learning.


Assistant Project Officer

Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd

Department of Women's Studies, Alagappa University helped me to find the areas of personal interest related to women development. My journey could be embarked upon only under the keen guidance and expertise of the experienced faculty at the Department. The balanced learning curve over the two years subsequently became a part and parcel of my daily thought and action process for the empowerment of women under Mahalir Thittam, Tamil Nadu Corporation for Development of Women Ltd.

Dr. P. Jeyachandran


CSI B.Ed College Pasumalai, Madurai

I wish to say that dedicated professors; well-equipped libraries, relevant guidance and the teaching curriculum develop my horizon and personality and made me to understand the importance and need of Women's Studies at national and international level.

Dr. Mrs. A. S. Gayathri

Associate Professor

Department of Commerce, Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai

I am proud today that I was research scholar of the Department of Women's studies, Alagappa University. Well experienced and qualified faculties encouraged and guided through their sound card and systematic methodology. I thank the Department.

A. Vijayalakshmi


ASudar Foundation, Madurai

I have observed from my experience that the NGO sector welcomes individuals with an social service bend of mind. Proper decision making is not possible unless there is an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject. Department of Women's Studies gave me both- in depth knowledge of theoretical subject and practical knowledge and moulded me to work for the development of the community.

Student Council

The students council is functioning effectively in the Department. They actively participate and co-ordinate in organising seminars, workshops, conferences, cultural activities, gender sensitization extension and outreach programmes that promotes gender fair society.

Office Bearers

Sl.No Name of the Student Class / Year Position
1 A. Arul Celsia V M.A. Integrated Home Science – Nutrition & Dietetics President
2 P. Priya Dharshini V M.A. Integrated Home Science – Nutrition & Dietetics Vice – President
3 B. Pavithra III B.A. Gender Studies Secretary
4 G.Srinithi II B.A. Gender Studies Joint - Secretary
5 N. Nivetha Parvathi II B.A. Gender Studies E C Member
6 P.Arulmozhi I B.A. Gender Studies E C Member
7 P. Parkavi I B.A. Gender Studies E C Member
8 M. Patham Priya I B.A. Gender Studies E C Member
9 J.Rita I B.A. Gender Studies E C Member

The Department of Women's Studies has established with wide network with various agencies such as Government Departments, Non Government Organizations, Universities and Industries. Our students are placed in reputed organizations as per the requirements. Selected placement of our students are given below:

Sl.No Academic Year Name of the outgoing student placed Organization in which placed Annum INR
1 2019-2020 M. Paranthaman Apollo 180,000
2 2020-2021 Rathika L K.M.C Hospital 144,000
3 2020-2021 Vijayalaksmi P Sighjtsavers 144,000
4 2021-2022 Dr.I.Sivakumar Alagappa University 180,000
5 2021-2022 Vijayalaksmi P Paavai Foundation Children Home 240,000
6 2021-2022 Dr.S.GEETHA Alagappa University 240,000
7 2022-2023 Dr. R. RAJA RAJESWARI Lady Doak College 310,200
8 2022-2023 P.JAYASEELI Janaki Clinic, CHennai 180,000
Photo Gallery