The Department of Corporate Secretaryship, established in 1985, is not only the pioneer among the higher educational institutions but also the only University Department in the country offering M.B.A. and Research programmes in Corporate Secretaryship.
Business and industry needs relating to Management, Accountancy, Costing, Finance, and Company Secretaryship are today fulfilled by ICAI, ICWA, CFA, and ICSI respectively, which are professional courses. Today, it is necessary to meet the needs of Companies by improving the turnout of professionals as well as providing new set of professionals where they will assist on a day today basis in the above areas.
The MBA Corporate Secretaryship Programme is designed to qualify the students as middle level executives to assist the Companies with a paid up capital of less than Rs. 10 Crores. It also intends to qualify the students to pursue careers such as Company Secretary, Chartered Accountant, Cost and Works Accountant, Certified Financial Analyst, etc.
The programme is the latest and most significant addition to the existing management programmes. It has been meticulously designed in consultation with the professionals to give insight into the areas of Corporate Law, General Management, Corporate Accounts, Corporate Finance, and Human Resource Management.
It is a full-time regular programme of two years duration, consisting of four semesters. Any degree holder with an aptitude for corporate administration can enroll in this programme.
To gain practical exposure in secretarial and legal, finance and accounts, and personal and administration areas, the students are given training for a period of 45 days in reputed corporate organizations.
To empower the students with soft skills, special coaching programs are organized to develop their communication, interpersonal, leadership, and teamwork skills.
The department has so far produced 130 Ph.D. and 500 M. Phil. Scholars. The faculty members of the department have successfully carried out 15 research projects from various funding agencies such as U.G.C., ICSSR, Govt. of India Ministry of Welfare, Planning Commission and ICSI etc.
The alumni of the department have been constantly in touch with the department through their financial and non-financial contributions. . The “Alumni Meet” was more than just about gathering; it was a chance to rekindle old friendships, visit familiar places, the shared nostalgia, and network with fellow alums to enhance their professional network which makes alma mater special.
Assistant Professor
Teaching Assistant
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The Department Library has a good collection of books and journals in corporate management. About 1200 number of books and volumes in different areas of corporate laws, corporate accounts finance and taxation are available. The Department subscribes professional journals and magazines of national and international importance. The students have access to the central library of the universities, which has an excellent collection of books and journals in corporate laws, management and allied fields.
A good number of business magazines and newspapers are available in the reading room.
The Department is housed in one of the specious buildings in the campus. The classrooms are well equipped with all the facilities such as smart class, LCD Projector, Audio-Video Equipped, TV, VCR and Public Address Systems.
A modernized computer centre with 20 latest configured computers caters the needs of the students to quench their IT thirst. The computers are provided with the latest software and operating systems. High speed Broad Band Internet connectivity is provided in the Centre with Wi-Fi Connection.
A Conference Hall with a capacity of 120 seats, fitted with full fledged Public Address System and LCD Projector is frequently used for conducting seminars, conferences, workshops, training programmes and cultural events.
Rithika. A
MBA -II Year
Vaishnavi Nachiyal – MBA II Year
Vice - President
Lakshmi. R.M,
Kishore. M , MBA -I Year
Joint – Secretary
Mohamed Aashik . K, MBA – I year
E C Member
Nagendran. S, MBA -II Year
Amala Jovitta.M, MBA -II Year
Rajeswari. R, MBA – II Year
Benazir Nazara.A, MBA , II year
Madhumathi. M, MBA – I Year
Padmavathy. K, MBA I year
Kishore Kumar. S, MBA I year
Deepa. N, MBA I Year
Logesh.P, MBA I year
Sabarish . M, MBA I year
Lakshmi . K, MBA I year
Manimekalai . C, MBA I year
Jenifer . A
Ph.D Scholar
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