Department of Industrial Chemistry is one of the oldest Departments in the University. Established in 1985 with the aim to conceive and conduct Master Programmes in Industrial Chemistry, and Research programmes in Applied and Advanced Areas of Chemistry to train manpower for academic and research institutions and industries.
M.Sc. programme: This Department has been the unique in South-India to offer innovative programme such as Industrial Chemistry. M.Sc.Industrial Chemistry programme (with general Chemistry courses in the first year and Electrochemistry / Textile Chemistry courses in the second year) was offered initially. Students got placements in various industries. Few students have started their own industries and became Entrepreneurs.
Based on the industry feedback, M.Sc.Industrial Chemistry programme was later bifurcated as M.Sc.Industrial Chemistry (Electrochemistry) and M.Sc.Industrial Chemistry (Textile Chemistry) as two separate specialization programmes.
Based on the students feedback, and to address the nomenclature matter for students eligibility to teaching positions, M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry programmes were discontinued and M.Sc. Chemistry programme was introduced with effect from the year 2012-13.
M.Phil. Programme: M.Phil. Industrial Chemistry programme was offered since 1987. This programme was discontinued and M.Phil. Chemistry programme was introduced with effect from the year 2012-13. M.Phil. Chemistry programme has been suspended from the academic year 2021-22.
Ph.D. Programme: Ph.D. Industrial Chemistry programme was offered since 1987. This programme was renamed as Ph.D. Chemistry with effect from the year 2012-13.
The department has organized 8 International conferences, 20 National conferences, 8 workshops and 1 UGC Refresher Course
M.Sc. Students graduated : 1577 M.Phil. Scholars graduated : 410 Ph.D. Scholars graduated : 201 Department Schemes Operated (UGC-4, DST-5, MHRD-2) : 11 (Rs. 06.15 Crores) Funded Projects Completed : 81 (Total Outlay of Rs. 09.88 Crores) Funded Projects Ongoing : 8 (Total Outlay of Rs. 62.43 Lakhs) Industrial Consultancy : 10 (Total Outlay of Rs. 67.45 Lakhs) Endowments : 7 (Rs. 08.00 Lakhs) Seminar / Conferences / Workshops Organized : 37 Events & Extension Activities conducted (2021-2024) : 57 Publications : 1632 (Scopus Data) Citations : 40,216 (Scopus Data) Patents : 34 h-index : 87 Dr.P.Manisankar (Appointed as Vice-Chancellor of Bharathidasan University) Dr.H.Gurumallesh Prabu (Appointed as Registrar of Alagappa University)
Sitting (L to R) Dr.H.Gurumallesh Prabu, Dr.G.Paruthimal Kalaignan, Dr.B.Muralidharan, Dr.V.G.Kulkarni, Dr.T.Vasudevan, Dr.S.P.Mishra, Dr.P.Manisankar, Dr.A.Gopalan
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
UGC Assistant Professor
B.Sc. Chemistry / Special Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry / Textile Chemistry / Electro-Chemistry / Applied Chemistry / any other Specialization in Chemistry as main subject of study (or) any two of following subjects : Maths, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Computer Applications, Microbiology, Textile Chemistry, Electro-Chemistry, Applied Chemistry as ancillary subjects with a minimum of 55% in Part III (for SC/ST candidates 50%). Admission process is through entrance examinations
M.Sc. Chemistry / other equivalent. Admission process is through the Pre-PhD entrance examination.
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DIC Alumni ALU (Official) facebook account created on 25.09.2021. Notable 122 Alumni have joined
The Student Council serves as the primary channel between students and faculty, voicing concerns, suggestions, and feedback to ensure a responsive and inclusive academic environment. By actively participating in council activities, students have the opportunity to cultivate valuable teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills that will serve them well in their academic and professional pursuits. With its unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and inclusivity, the student council continues to inspire and empower the next generation chemists to reach new heights of achievement and impact.
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