The Department of Microbiology was started in the year 2016 with excellent teaching and research infrastructure. The Department currently offers three academic programs (MSc., M.Phil., and Ph.D). The faculty members are carrying out research in broad areas of Microbiology such as Environment, Industrial, Agricultural and Medical Microbiology confined to the production of bio-gas, bio-plastics, bio-fertilizer and pharmaceutical products. Every year National, International conferences, seminars and workshops are organized to discuss the recent trends in Microbiology. The Department is funded by various agencies such as UGC, DST-SERB, DST-ICAMP, DBT, RUSA etc., to carry out advanced research for the production of green hydrogen, bio-plastics, drug development, environmental cleanup and production of bio-fertilizer and bio-insecticides for sustainable agriculture. The Department has signed Six MoUs with International and National academic and research Institutions in order to exchange scientific knowledge on cutting- edge technology for the development of cost effective products. Faculty members are doing collaborative research with many National and International Institutes for the designing of prototype devices and bio-formulates for the sustainable production of bio- gas and sustainable environment.
To achieve excellence in all spheres of Microbiology with an emphasis on research and development of sustainable products
Assistant Professor
For SC/ST Candidates – Excluding Tuition Fees- Total Rs 14,000/-
Department of Microbiology, Alagappa University, feels proud to introduce and invite our star alumni. Alumni play a vital role in motivating the current students with their expertise. We often arrange alumni meetings, a good forum to share career opportunities and professional growth with the upcoming graduates. The Alumni Association will provide a platform for sharing intellectual, cultural, career, and professional experiences with the present students and other alumni. Alumni bring their real-world experience to the institution through updating syllabi and contributing financial support for infrastructure improvement.
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